Still Not an Activist

May 13, 2017 12:27

Hillary Clinton is rebranding herself as an activist. Don't be fooled.

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activism, hillary clinton

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rainbows_ May 16 2017, 00:46:37 UTC

Here are some groups you can donate to instead of Hillary Clinton's unnecessary PAC
- VICE (@VICE) May 5, 2017

Democratic Socialists of America

Since the rise of Bernie Sanders and the election of Donald Trump, the membership of the Democratic Socialists of America-our nation's largest socialist organization-has tripled, turning a niche political ideology into a movement. Finally, after years of "commie" being a dirty word in our country, we have an emerging political organization that fights for things like universal healthcare and aims to "decrease the influence of money in politics, empower ordinary people in workplaces and the economy, [and] restructure gender and cultural relationships to be more equitable."

Justice Democrats

Justice Democrats is an organization founded shortly after the inauguration by former Bernie staffers and the CEO of the The Young Turks, a progressive news network. In their own words, they seek to run Democratic candidates that "represent people, not corporations." Justice Democrats primary platforms include banning super PACs, regulating Wall Street, implementing universal healthcare, and furthering non-discrimination protections for marginalized people.

Brand New Congress

Also riding the Bernie Sanders wave, Brand New Congress plans "to run [more than 400] non-politician candidates for Congress in 2018 in one unified campaign" to combat unpopular bipartisan platforms like bank bailouts. They also plan to fight against the influence of the 1 percent in politics. With lofty goals like ending mass incarceration, healthcare for all, and reforming our electoral system to make it more democratic.

We Will Replace You

Fighting against elected Democrats who have been complicit in the Trump administration, We Will Replace You does exactly what its name suggests. It urges elected representatives to unabashedly resist Trump and lets them know if they don't, they will be replaced. "We fundamentally reject the assumption that Democrats can only win in red states by pandering to racists and big bankers," co-founder Claire Sandberg said in an interview with The Hill. "The way we beat Trumpism and take back Congress and statehouses is offering a coherent vision of our own to put people back to work… We don't need to completely compromise our own values and principles."


moonshaz May 16 2017, 08:42:18 UTC

I don't know about anyone else, but I like to donste to the Southern Povery Law Center (, because I honestly don't know anybody who's doing more to combat hate, and I like that they go after all forms of it, including racism, homophobia and transphobia, antisemitism and islamophobia, you name it. It's not a political pac, of course, but they do great work on a lot of issures that I believe to be very important.

I also like Emily's List (, which supports pro-choice Democratic women who are running for office, because reproductive rights are very high on my list of priorities, as well as getting more women into congress, etc.

I'm going to look into Hillary's PAC a little more. I don't agree with calling it "unnecessary." In a sense, a lot of PACS probably fit that description, but I don't tend to automatically equate "not vitally necessary" with "totally useless," lol. And I'm happy to have her join the resistsnce! The more, the merrier, imo.


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