'Stealthing' could be considered assault say experts

May 02, 2017 11:57

'Stealthing' could be considered assault say experts about secret removal of condom during sex

Paper in Columbia Journal of Gender and Law examines little-known practice some say is 'rape-adjacent'

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men suck, lawsuits, *trigger warning: sexual assault, rape culture, law, rape, sexual assault, rape apologism, sexism, i wish i could delete this

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Comments 22

screw_reality May 3 2017, 01:27:05 UTC
I'm left wondering how many of these men are the same ones that turn around and whine on MRA forums about "sperm jacking" and "conniving bitches trapping them" with unplanned pregnancies. Curious how the instinct to shoot one's load is so rarely accompanied by the instinct to pay to support all those wild oats one's sown...

I fucking hate men.


elialshadowpine May 3 2017, 10:44:26 UTC
I'm afraid to google this... what in the fresh blue hell is "sperm jacking"?

(Icon because I am also done with men. Plus I figure it's a reasonably fair trade for explaining whatever idiotic toxic male-centered BS these wanna-be "alpha males"* have come up with this time.)

* I don't believe in alpha males as a concept, but if one were to accept the premise that they do indeed exist, these asshats sure as hell wouldn't make the cut.


tw: rape mention wuvvumsoc May 3 2017, 11:57:23 UTC
There's this idea that a woman can trick a man into getting her pregnant in some way, and force him to do child support. Sometimes it does involve literally stealing the sperm (such as taking sperm from oral sex, anal sex, fishing a condom of the trash can) or by rape.

It's a very rare thing that happens but some communities that are high on misogyny (such as childfree) believe that women may go out of their way to 'trap' men in a relationship by using an unplanned pregnancy.


ladycyndra May 3 2017, 03:04:11 UTC
Why do men continue to be gross pigs unfit to live?? UGH


queerbychoice May 3 2017, 03:20:20 UTC
These particular men are definitely thoroughly disgusting, and I don't want to be #NotAllMen here for the sake of defending "men's rights" or anything like that. But for the sake of women, I do feel a need to point out that men are in fact capable of being so much better than these gross pigs, and that is all the more reason to hold these gross pigs responsible for their actions, because they do have free will, and behaving like gross pigs is a choice they have made, not something somehow inherent in their gender.


honorh May 3 2017, 17:07:16 UTC
Yeah, that's my feeling as well. I've known plenty of good, decent men in my life, and I refuse to believe that men as a gender can't do better than this.


soleiltropiques May 3 2017, 19:47:05 UTC
I think what particularly infuriates me (and the reason I posted) is the way in which the laws don't even necessarily consider this to be sexual assault*.

*Note that the article I posted was from the CBC and therefore dealt with Canadian law. Regarding US law however:

(i.e. quote is from one of the additional articles cited in the post.)

"The study concludes existing laws don't specifically cover stealthing, despite the heightened risk of pregnancy and even public health risk associated with spreading sexually transmitted diseases.

Brodsky concludes that new protections should be in place for those who are victims of the practice.

"Ultimately, a new tort for “stealthing” is necessary both to provide victims with a more viable cause of action and to reflect better the harms wrought by nonconsensual condom removal," she said in the paper."

...I believe most countries would not have laws covering this, honestly, which is depressing.


invisiblegirlx May 3 2017, 03:36:52 UTC

could be?


ladycyndra May 3 2017, 04:11:08 UTC
IKR?? Its SHOULD be. Ugh.


soleiltropiques May 3 2017, 19:40:15 UTC
iac with you both.


invisiblegirlx May 3 2017, 04:24:38 UTC
and guarenteed none of these guys would want to take any responsibility if someone they did this to got pregnant


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