Russians are getting poorer

Apr 29, 2017 23:21

Russians are becoming poorer

In Russia, governmental statistics show that the country is facing the worst poverty figures in 10 years. The country has been undergoing a recession since 2014, and it is the middle class who is suffering the most as a result of the economic crisis.

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oligarchy, russia, money, recession, poverty, money talks, oil

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Comments 8

ekramarenko April 30 2017, 05:48:21 UTC
Disgusting. I really hope Ukraine will be able to survive and go away from them - we are paying a horrible price with lives of so many people, and my own health has seriously deteriorated in the middle of all this, yet I hope my children will live in the country, which values human life. I wonder if citizens of Russia will ever be able to overcome all this crap. They didn't protest against Crimea annexation or war in Donetsk and Lugansk, or all those things listed in this post, yet they turned out to be able to protest against authority plans for their flats being taken from them, and they did so quite promptly. Those are the values, you see.


ladycyndra April 30 2017, 20:01:16 UTC
Does anyone think we'll get Russian government trolls, I wonder, since this is a critical post?

Well one of them was recently banned and the other hasn't been around much. That other troll is the one with the gorilla icon. We'll see.

As for this post, good lord! These poor people. NO ONE should EVER have to live this way.


elialshadowpine May 3 2017, 10:15:29 UTC
Good news! Gorilla Boy got banned! :D

(Presuming you mean the idiot with the Harambe icon and not that there's yet another asshat troll with a gorilla icon, at least.)


ladycyndra May 3 2017, 16:12:08 UTC
Ah he did?? Good! Yeah he's the one I was talking about. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


elialshadowpine May 3 2017, 18:28:31 UTC
When I woke up one morning it was literally the first thing my gf omimouse said to me after I was semi-awake but hadn't yet gotten to ONTD_P. "They FINALLY banned that asshole with the gorilla icon!" XD


tilmon April 30 2017, 22:30:02 UTC
And so Putin has come to sit atop the fossil fuel industry, and its corporate presidents and stockholders are all his vassals, doing his bidding in return for wealth and power, willing to betray everything and everyone in order to continue a bloody, polluted, life-destroying business even as the world burns.


moonbladem May 1 2017, 07:49:50 UTC
"Russians are getting poorer"

Switch "Russians" to "Americans" and the story is similar to what Americans are going through right now too, with people losing jobs, the shrinking middle class and the top... what is it, 10%? owning most of the wealth in our country.

The wealthy dictator? I'm sure The Short Fingered Vulgarian is working on that right now. Stay tuned.

... )


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