Making America Great Again (for The Rich)

Apr 25, 2017 02:37

America is Regressing into a Developing Nation for Most People

A new book by economist Peter Temin finds that the U.S. is no longer one country, but dividing into two separate economic and political worldsYou’ve probably heard the news that the celebrated post-WW II beating heart of America known as the middle class has gone from “burdened,” to “ ( Read more... )

economy, capitalism fuck yeah, eat the rich, middle class, capitalism, social security, working class, economics, health care, workers rights, poverty, america fuck yeah, health

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Comments 3

fka April 25 2017, 15:14:51 UTC
i've noticed here in LA that there are way less students enrolled at my high school (it's happening at all high schools) than when i was going there. like just over a 5-year period enrollment has gone down by almost 1,000 students. that's really troubling, especially considering that schools get money based on how many students attend. i guess people just can't afford to live in the city anymore so they're moving away?

also, the part in the first article about infrastructure. the roads here are full of potholes and even a few months ago there was the oroville dam crisis. things are only going to get worse, especially after trump seems to be gearing up for another war. i definitely see his base only getting angrier as he ends up not delivering on his promises and just keeps postponing things.


blackjedii April 25 2017, 23:39:32 UTC

(not but srsly this is Neoliberalism in action. People are the ultimate disposable resource.)


tilmon April 26 2017, 05:01:18 UTC
I've been noticing this trend of un-development for a long time. I suppose it was bound to happen. The US promise of prosperity has always rested on the willingness of the poor to pull up stakes and do the dirty business of conquest for the rich. It's why we engage in continual war. All opportunities for the workers can only be gained by exchanging blood, if not theirs, then someone else's.


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