The war in Syria, explained: How Syria’s civil war became America’s problem

Apr 08, 2017 19:23

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On the face of it, President Trump’s decision to attack Syria doesn’t make a lot of sense. Launching 59 missiles at a single airbase, as Trump did, is not going to seriously change the outcome of a years-long civil war. So what’s the point of doing it at all ( Read more... )

saudi arabia, russia, war, iraq, isis/isil/daesh, terrorism, middle east, vladimir putin, barack obama, qatar, iran, syria, hezbollah, hamas, donald trump

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Comments 22

lightframes April 9 2017, 14:37:47 UTC
I'm really upset at the way most media outlets have been praising Trump for this pointless attack. You can't bomb a country and then refuse to accept refugees from that country.


amw April 10 2017, 06:52:17 UTC
This times a million.


soleiltropiques April 12 2017, 18:06:13 UTC
Well said.


300mirov April 9 2017, 15:09:16 UTC
т.е. нет никакой реакции на то, что могли спровоцировать настоящий военный конфликт мирового масштаба?
как там Трамп сказал?
«не может быть никаких споров о том, что Сирия использовала запрещенное химическое оружие» (с)
где резолюция ООН? где прямые доказательства использования химического оружия? пробирку снова покажут?
хотя, пробирка уже и не нужна, дело сделано.
и всего 1 комментарий на статью. либо американским гражданам плевать, что творит их правительство, либо глубоко не в курсе того, что оно может натворить и какие последствия могут быть именно для обычных граждан.
хотя, у вас и так мало комментариев на все статьи :)


prehnite April 9 2017, 17:21:37 UTC
хотя, у вас и так мало комментариев на все статьи :)



soleiltropiques April 12 2017, 17:29:40 UTC
I have to say that I am finding it difficult to follow what you are saying since you aren't writing it in English. Google translate can only do so much and a lot of what you're saying is getting lost in translation, fyi.

Also, there aren't many replies to this post because English-language livejournal is pretty much dying, so I wouldn't judge public sentiment in the west by the response to this post, personally.


300mirov April 12 2017, 17:38:46 UTC
гугл переводчик переводит вполне сносно. а чтобы понять основные вопросы много не надо.
США разбомбило аэродром суверенного государства без резолюции ООН.
где эта ваша хваленая демократия? это прямая агрессия, знаете ли.

да, я обратила внимание на то, что англоязычный сегмент совсем бледный и невыразительный. в основном процветают сообщества, продвигающие тему о поп-культуре.


tilmon April 9 2017, 16:45:25 UTC
A Russian comment? Hmm.

Syria is a clusterf*ck. The best thing the world could do for Syria is to impose a stringent arms embargo against all sides while evacuating civilians and accepting them as refugees. But no, the arms flow freely across borders even though the people may not.

Trump didn't punish Assad. He engaged in theatrics, never intending to pose any real threat to either Assad or his Russian handlers.


tankard39 April 9 2017, 19:59:35 UTC
Do not worry that the US destroyed Iraq, Libya and Syria? Or is it all bad russian?


tilmon April 9 2017, 20:41:47 UTC
It's all of them, playing proxy war. But have the Russians been supplying and supporting Assad? Yes, from the start. And does the US supply Saudi Arabia, who supplies IS? Yes, from the start. And who cares for the people? No one.

Stop funding the arms, stop playing proxy war, and start caring about the people. I say that to every side.


tankard39 April 9 2017, 20:49:24 UTC
The United States started color revolutions in the Middle East and Ukraine? And now these regions are burning.

About ordinary people always think the last.

I agree that you need to stop all this. This should be done both by Russia and the United States. But, I'm afraid, it's impossible ..


amw April 10 2017, 06:51:51 UTC
Syria is the quagmiriest quagmire going right now. There are some better articles on this than Vox. Lawfare is putting up some good articles re: whether this was a legal strike (it is not) and whether it is morally justified. A comparison with Kosovo and legality vs morality are just two examples, but it's worth reading all their takes - bite-sized and illuminating ( ... )


soleiltropiques April 12 2017, 17:53:50 UTC
Some links, in case this is helpful ( ... )


soleiltropiques April 12 2017, 18:04:33 UTC
Personally, I tend to think a big part of the problem is the way that human rights consistently gets placed after geopolitical interests.


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