Alabama Theater Won’t Show ‘Beauty And The Beast’ Because Of Gay Subplot

Mar 04, 2017 00:44

Bigoted homophobic Christian theater owner announces decision to not show "Beauty and the Beast" in a FB post. People do not react well. Theater owner can't stand heat, gets out of kitchen by taking down their whole Facebook page. LMAO.

An Alabama theater is scrapping plans to show Disney’s live-action “Beauty and the Beast” after catching wind ( Read more... )

movies, fail, capitalism fuck yeah, alabama, somebody please think of the children!, homophobia, god save us from your followers, facepalm, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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Comments 7

wuvvumsoc March 4 2017, 14:10:05 UTC
I feel like they probably weren't going to show the film anyways. Checking their website, it seems they only show 1-2 movies only on the weekends. I feel like they might not have been planning to show this film in the first place, but wanted to posture and show off how 'moral' they are as well for not choosing the movie, and hoping to get publicity for it.

As a side note I checked their website out of curiousity since I heard they featured 50 Shades Darker, didn't find that but I did find what felt like blackface(not sure if intentional, or just very poor choice in design).


moonshaz March 4 2017, 20:32:29 UTC

Looks like blackface to me. Ewww.


blackjedii March 4 2017, 14:51:44 UTC
butterthetoast March 4 2017, 15:41:22 UTC
LMAO i love father ted. i also love that the theatre owner thinks that Jesus & God are sitting next to them when they're watching movies. stfu, jesus has better things to do than be your movie buddy.


sabrinita March 4 2017, 23:59:41 UTC's not even a subplot though is it? I thought it was just going to be one scene at the end that really gave it away? Hardly a subplot..


moonshaz March 5 2017, 01:48:12 UTC
Yes, that's my understanding. And actually, that's what the theater owner alluded to in her FB message, that there was going to be a "homosexual character" in the movie ( ... )


sabrinita March 5 2017, 05:37:10 UTC
Agreed. That's why I didn't even touch on that bit in my post and decided to just focus on the 'subplot' bit instead XD


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