Warren calls for probe into Trump White House Russia ties

Feb 15, 2017 17:13

In a series of tweets posted in the wake of national security adviser Michael Flynn’s resignation, Massachusetts US Senator Elizabeth Warren called for a bipartisan inquiry into the Trump administration’s contacts with Russia, saying national security was at stake.
Congress must pull its head out of the sand and launch a real, bipartisan, ( Read more... )

russia, white house, national security, vladimir putin, shit just got real, scandal, elizabeth warren, i can see russia from my house, lies, mike pence, corruption, donald trump, democrats

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Comments 3

bnmc2005 February 16 2017, 16:23:40 UTC
Allies are getting involved. now.

>YOU KNOW it's bad when foreign countries are trying to figure it out. THIS SHIT is REAL.

But god damn if they don't just hang it all on Flynn and leave the rest of this Administration intact.

Even if Trump does get impeached. (Still doubtful on that until we get a whole new congress and Senate) He's leaving his Admin and PENCE in place and it's such BULLSHIT.

The next congress needs to add some ROCK solid LAWS to keep anything like Trump & Co. from ever taking that seat again.


bnmc2005 February 16 2017, 16:29:47 UTC
.... I'm also thinking back to all the naysayers when this first came out.

All those people who were quick to minimize this story as "possibly" made up in order to deflect, and that there "not enough real evidence" ...etc. The whole time, I'm reading the articles citing actual sources, with the background of Russian Troll farms and the history of previous shit-stirring in American political culture- and it was all completely on point. I couldn't believe people were NOT seeing how this could be a real thing.


moonshaz February 17 2017, 00:40:21 UTC

I know, right? Right here, in this comm, there were people who either refused ro believe this happened, or if it did happen, that it mattered. I didn't understand it then, and I don't understand it now!

I got so tired of being told that putting any focus at all on Russia's possible.shenanigans (or Comey's) was just a way of making excuses for Clinton's loss. Yes, there were many factors involved in the election turning out the way it did, but some people wanted to put it all on certain ones and wave away the ones they didn't like (i.e., those that didn't reflect unfavorably on Hillary and/or the DNC). Which seemed like tunnel vision to me--but I  was "with her" so wtf did I know? Rme


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