Warren calls for probe into Trump White House Russia ties

Feb 15, 2017 17:13

In a series of tweets posted in the wake of national security adviser Michael Flynn’s resignation, Massachusetts US Senator Elizabeth Warren called for a bipartisan inquiry into the Trump administration’s contacts with Russia, saying national security was at stake.
Congress must pull its head out of the sand and launch a real, bipartisan, transparent inquiry into Russia. Our natl security is at stake.
- Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 14, 2017

The Democratic lawmaker said she welcomed Flynn’s “removal” but more investigation was needed into the administration’s “disturbing ties” to the Russians. She joined a number of other Democrats who raised an outcry over Flynn Tuesday.

Flynn resigned Monday after it was revealed that he had misled Vice President Mike Pence and others about his pre-inauguration conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States.

Massachusetts US Representative Seth Moulton, a North Shore Democrat, told CNN, “We need to know what Russia knows and what they still hold over the head of the people in the White House. ... I don’t think that Michael Flynn is going to be the only person to fall here.”

Trump tweeted Tuesday morning that the “real story” was “illegal leaks.” In recent weeks, stories about the White House have cited numerous sources, in some cases as many as "dozens" or “more than two dozen.” Sources featured prominently Monday in stories that said the acting attorney general had warned the Trump White House that Flynn was at risk of blackmail.
The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N.Korea etc?
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 14, 2017

At a morning photo opportunity, Trump did not answer shouted questions asking for comment about Flynn.

Trump spokesman Sean Spicer at an afternoon press briefing said that Flynn had not done anything wrong in speaking to the ambassador but Flynn’s actions in talking to Pence and others about it afterwards had eroded the president’s trust in him.

“The erosion of that trust was frankly the issue,” he said.

Here are the tweets that led up to Warren’s call for the bipartisan inquiry:
Michael Flynn’s blinding religious hatred & shady Russian ties disqualified him as NSA on day one. His removal is a win for American values.
- Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 14, 2017

But American national security demands that we not allow Michael Flynn to become a scapegoat for this Admin's disturbing ties to Russia.
- Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 14, 2017

This isn’t a game. Reports say the Russians conducted a series of successful cyber-attacks on our elections to help elect @realDonaldTrump.
- Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 14, 2017

Reports say our own intel agencies have corroborated parts of a dossier alleging that Russia has compromising info about @realDonaldTrump.
- Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 14, 2017

. @StateDept Sec Rex Tillerson has close ties to Putin. @CommerceGov nominee Wilbur Ross has close financial ties to Putin buddies.
- Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 14, 2017

. @realDonaldTrump is still making money overseas & may have financial ties to Russia. Nobody knows since he STILL won’t release his taxes.
- Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 14, 2017

This. Is. Not. Normal. @realDonaldTrump owes Americans a full account of his Admin’s dealings with Russia, both before & after the election.
- Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 14, 2017


Source: Boston Globe

Go get 'em, Liz. I've said ever since it first came out that there was suspicion of Russia trying to influence our election that Trump and his henchpersons were in on it. I hope the lid is finally going to get blown off this shit. It's high time.

russia, white house, national security, vladimir putin, shit just got real, scandal, elizabeth warren, i can see russia from my house, lies, mike pence, corruption, donald trump, democrats

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