European parliament leaders call on EU to reject Trump's likely ambassador pick

Feb 02, 2017 19:35

Exclusive: Heads of parliament’s main political parties issue unprecedented call opposing Ted Malloch, who likened his goal to ‘bringing down the Soviet Union’

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foreign policy, european union, brexit, usa, donald trump, europe

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Comments 12

soleiltropiques February 2 2017, 22:22:00 UTC
Wow. Thanks for posting about this, OP, I hadn't heard about this.

I think Trump must be setting records with how quickly he's getting people all around the world to loathe him. That takes skill! /sarcasm


moonshaz February 2 2017, 23:01:53 UTC

The way he keeps alienating more and more people is one of the things that is giving me hope right now. If he keeps it up, there will be no one left on his side except his paid ass kissers (I'm loooing at you, Kellyanne Conway) and a few REALLY diehard supporters.

I have a lot of fun imagining the temper tantrums that ensue every time someone says, in effect, "Fuck you, Trumplestiltskin." Because you know that's what's happening. He needs a constant narcissistic supply of "You're the greatest, Donnie!" and not getting that is intolerable to him. That's why he freaked out the way he did over his inauguration crowd not being THE biggest EVER.

His desperate need for constant lavish praise and approval could turn out to be his Achilles heel, imo. At least I hope so.


soleiltropiques February 2 2017, 23:28:05 UTC
I know there's not that much hope for this (i.e. gerrymandering and all), but I *wish* the Dems would take one of the Houses in 2018...


moonshaz February 2 2017, 23:30:50 UTC
That would be awesome, wouldn't it? I have some slight hope for the Senate, since the proportions are so close, but the House is just a mess right now. :-\


omimouse February 3 2017, 19:12:42 UTC
I am now more convinced than ever that, to a somewhat scary number of Americans, having elections and a massive military are the defining characteristics of being 'the leader of the free world.'


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