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Comments 28

[Mod Note] chaya January 29 2017, 17:19:41 UTC
Add tags ASAP.


Re: [Mod Note] shahar January 29 2017, 17:42:33 UTC
I totally forgot, thanks!


hudebnik January 29 2017, 18:49:16 UTC
So the President's hand-picked, un-vetted and un-confirmed political advisor whose national-security background consists of seven years in the Navy is more essential to have in discussions of national security than the DNI or the chiefs of the military branches. Right....


shahar January 29 2017, 19:08:26 UTC
Exactly! I wanted to get this story out there, since TV news is focusing on the immigrant ban.


grace_om January 29 2017, 20:46:40 UTC
OH reckons the immigrant ban was timed to bump this move off immediate radar. Seems plausible. It feels like Bannon knows just how to exploit the many loopholes in law left by the basic decency of all previous presidents. Even Nixon!



moonshaz January 29 2017, 19:12:05 UTC
Was coming here to say exactly the same thing!

In the last few days, I've gone from having Trump at the top of my list of people I'd like to get struck by lightning to bumping him from the top spot in favor of Banning. I have a feeling that asshole is much more powerful than most of us would even imagine, and the thought is terrifying.


hudebnik January 29 2017, 19:00:52 UTC
Good to hear that Trump has ordered the Pentagon to figure out, in a month, how to defeat ISIS. Why didn't Obama ever think of doing that?

In the same vein, Trump has also promised to present a plan to replace Obamacare with something much better, covering all the same people and more, for much less money, in a matter of weeks. I wonder why Obama never tried that?

I look forward to similar plans to defeat poverty, eliminate illegal drugs, end violent crime, and ensure permanent world peace, also within a month. All it takes is a strong leader, a man of action, to demand these things....


shahar January 29 2017, 19:06:50 UTC
His plan is that someone else needs to come up with a plan in 30 days. Brilliant!


blackjedii January 29 2017, 19:06:49 UTC
This is going to go over well.

Pissing off the Intelligence Community and THEN pissing off the military brass...

I give it two weeks until some dirt pops up on Donny Boy.


shahar January 29 2017, 19:09:45 UTC
The Russians have killed or arrested them all. This makes me think the golden shower memo was actually real.


blackjedii January 29 2017, 19:16:07 UTC
Who says it has to be real dirt

I mean

Benghazi is still a Thing (TM)


shahar January 29 2017, 19:59:53 UTC
I feel like his Twitter has something we can use against him.


honorh January 29 2017, 22:46:35 UTC
Well, we're boned.


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