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Comments 11

shortsweetcynic December 28 2016, 12:06:04 UTC
well that's fucking terrifying.


shortsweetcynic December 28 2016, 12:07:21 UTC
(sorry, comment posted twice thanks to LJ freakout)


thelilyqueen December 28 2016, 13:13:06 UTC
Well, IDK about you all, but I'd be willing to put a few bucks toward a fund to pay those fines. Not because I've got a lot, or think the lawmakers need the financial help, but as a sign of public support for them. This is not a case, like say delicate negotiations with another country, where some temporary secrecy might be justified. This is actively AGAINST the public interest.


sinsterminister December 28 2016, 16:47:00 UTC
Fascists in power will enact fascist legislation.


bib_specialist December 28 2016, 18:13:16 UTC
Can you imagine how the Republicans would react if the Democrats had the majority and tried this?


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