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Comments 11

redstar826 December 28 2016, 20:53:37 UTC
Of all the things Democrats could have sat down and protested this year, I can't for the life of me figure out why they chose a bill using terrorist watch lists to determine who can/cant buy a gun. Especially since, during the Bush years, liberals were correctly pointing out all of the ways those lists were flawed.

That said, this move by the Republicans is also terrible.


tilmon December 29 2016, 00:58:25 UTC
Seriously, I keep wondering why gun control is the hill the Democrats choose to die on.


mimblexwimble December 29 2016, 03:02:40 UTC
Gun control is important. It's using the no-fly list that was the problem.


tilmon December 29 2016, 04:46:22 UTC
The problem with gun control is that too many of the proposals are like the no-fly list extension--not really all that well thought out and thus make it hard for civil libertarians to embrace. And gun control that isn't hooked to resolving the issues that incite gun abuse to begin with is just another futile social war.

I really think that gun abuse, like drug abuse, has become a problem because of the growing economic, social, and racial inequality in our society. Happy people who feel they have control in their lives and hope for the future don't act in murderous ways, not toward themselves, not toward other people. There is too much despair, and we need to change that. The best gun control is a society where we don't have social safety nets to catch them when they fall... we have social safety trampolines that give people a bounce back up.


ladycyndra December 29 2016, 04:01:35 UTC
"The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny"


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