Ohio Lawmakers Sneak Measure Restricting Minimum Wage Into Bill About Puppies [And Kitties]

Dec 10, 2016 01:19

Ohio lawmakers passed a measure this week that blocks local governments from raising the minimum wage and passing laws to benefit workers.

The anti-worker measures were quietly inserted into a bill regulating where pet stores can buy dogs and cats on Wednesday. The maneuver surprised even state Rep. Denise Driehaus, the ranking Democrat on the ( Read more... )

capitalism fuck yeah, wages, ohio, john kasich, puppy!, fuckery, this is why we cant have nice things, kitty!, republicans

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Comments 7

tilmon December 10 2016, 17:22:12 UTC
They are all about local rule, except when it comes to local rule.


moonshaz December 10 2016, 22:29:41 UTC

Just like they're all about "small government" and deregulation except when it comes to things they want to control, like women's bodies.


invisiblegirlx December 10 2016, 17:22:46 UTC

when your agenda can only be passed by sneaking it past the people and hoping they don't notice, maybe your agenda is shit.


wuvvumsoc December 10 2016, 17:51:44 UTC
It's not just NC either. In my state (Alabama) the state legislature passed a bill that banned Birmingham and all other cities and towns from raising the minimum wage. :(


lightframes December 10 2016, 23:24:31 UTC
I get depressed when people talk about how we need to take back our state houses. FL had 9 blue counties in this election (I think we had like 11 or 12 in 2012). Granted there are a lot of state congressional districts in those blue counties, and how people vote in the presidential election isn't always how they vote in state elections, but... there are still more red ones overall in the state. Getting Democrats in the majority in the FL house is going to be, um... a task.


elialshadowpine December 11 2016, 12:52:02 UTC
It's going to be a task in a lot of states, especially with gerrymandering. :(


hudebnik December 11 2016, 14:19:52 UTC
Republicans support shifting control to whatever level of government is Republican. And Democrats support shifting control to whatever level of government is Democratic, although I don't think the turning-on-a-dime has been as blatant on the Democratic side. There have certainly been news stories in the past week about Democrats' sudden interest in "states' rights", e.g. the right of California or New York to not spend state resources enforcing Trumpian immigration policies, and howls of outrage from Republicans suddenly upset that any state would oppose (even passively) a Federal government initiative. The same Republicans, that is, who sued to sabotage Obamacare, who sued to overturn Clean Power, who sued to overturn the DREAM Act, etc ( ... )


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