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Comments 4

natyanayaki December 1 2016, 06:46:39 UTC
this is so exciting!

(i'm being sarcastic)


shanrina December 1 2016, 10:18:57 UTC

This is awful. Glad to see Tammy Baldwin as one of the pro-blockers, though. I don't live in WI anymore (and she was a Representative when I was there), but I met her once and always liked her.

Also, apparently the FBI has messed with Tor before? http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/11/firefox-0day-used-against-tor-users-almost-identical-to-one-fbi-used-in-2013/ (edit: one of the links in the text)


hudebnik December 1 2016, 11:41:57 UTC
Well, there's a legitimate point that the Internet isn't geographically based, so it doesn't make a lot of sense to apply geographically-based laws to it. I remember writing something about that twenty-plus years ago.

OTOH, this sets the precedent that it's legitimate for the Chinese or Russian government to go after computers in the U.S. if it thinks they might be related to something they consider a cybercrime, e.g. disseminating information that's unflattering to their government, or that suggests that homosexuality is "normal" or "acceptable".


shanrina December 1 2016, 11:46:57 UTC
That is an even more horrifying direction than where my brain went. *shudder*


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