Trump's baseless assertions of voter fraud called 'stunning'

Nov 28, 2016 00:23

Without putting forth any evidence, the president-elect says he actually won the popular vote ( Read more... )

voter fraud, factcheck, fuckery, conspiracy theories/theorists, lies, election 2016, donald trump, hillary clinton, facepalm, fuck this guy

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Comments 14

cher_arlequin November 28 2016, 16:55:13 UTC
does this fool not realize that supposed voter fraud is exactly why the recount/audit, which he is against, should proceed

i can't believe this is our reality right now


bnmc2005 November 28 2016, 17:29:17 UTC
It's hard to be stunned when you've already been beaten numb.

He's like a blitzkrieg of offense. He and his puppeteers have brought a blitzkrieg of unfathomable 'unimaginable' .... shit. I can't help but think it's intentional at this point.

They're just beating America down with and and all kind of odious crap, over and over again before anyone has a chance to process what actual policies are being put in place.


magedragonfire November 28 2016, 19:16:33 UTC
Weeeeell the article is right that all the hullabaloo is burying all of the conflicts of interest coverage, which is probably a more important thing to be focusing on.

If he says a dumb, factually incorrect thing, everyone's going to look at the dumb thing and forget about the bigger things to criticize him about. It's happened a ton of times before now. Of course it's intentional.


moonshaz November 28 2016, 21:49:53 UTC
Well, at least one article I've read lends credence to the idea that he's doing all of this deliberately: There’s A Method To The Madness Of Trump’s Tweets. Or Maybe Just Madness." But I don't think I'm the only one who is confused by the seeming contradictions between his seeming "five year oldness" and the fox-like craftiness involved in knowing exactly when to display that "five year oldness" on twitter, lol!

The only thing I know for sure is that whether his behavior is just the result of uncontrolled tantrums or there is (as the above article says) a "method to his madness," I hate him just as much either way.


magedragonfire November 28 2016, 21:54:58 UTC
Oh, yeah, for sure. Regardless of what his motivation is, the message is negative: either a) he's a narcissistic man-baby who shouldn't be trusted with any kind of power or b) he's a manipulative, lying cheat who shouldn't be trusted, full stop.

At least the former would mean he possibly has something that might act as a sort of soother.


meadowphoenix November 28 2016, 18:53:13 UTC
He's really a natural at poisoning the well.


eldvno November 28 2016, 20:15:49 UTC
So let me get this straight, Super Hitler:

The vote was rigged, except in WI/MI/PA, where it wasn't rigged at all, except it was rigged everywhere because of illegal votes, but there wasn't any voter fraud, except where there was?

JFC, when will this hellacious nightmare end?


grace_om November 28 2016, 22:26:55 UTC
At least every publication I've seen on this is calling BS in the headline. Where was this level of blunt fact checking before the election??!!??


ohmiya_sg November 29 2016, 02:07:42 UTC
mte, too little, too late.


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