Trump's baseless assertions of voter fraud called 'stunning'

Nov 28, 2016 00:23

Without putting forth any evidence, the president-elect says he actually won the popular vote ( Read more... )

voter fraud, factcheck, fuckery, conspiracy theories/theorists, lies, election 2016, donald trump, hillary clinton, facepalm, fuck this guy

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Comments 14

shahar November 29 2016, 03:36:16 UTC
So a Texas elector is resigning rather than voting for him. I wish they would have went faithless. Maybe if he keeps the crazy up, we will see more faithless electors. Too hopeful?

edit: typo and html fail


fuck_of_nature November 29 2016, 16:23:17 UTC
That's gross that he would resign rather than vote for the candidate he believes will better run this country. That was his job.


shahar November 29 2016, 16:30:05 UTC

Agreed. The article made it sound like he hadn't officially resigned yet. Maybe he will have a change of heart.


roseembolism November 29 2016, 18:54:24 UTC
Don't look at this as madness or stupidity; this is really Republican strategy for winning the next 40-80 years of elections.

Trump will loudly claim there was massive vote fraud, the media will go along, and the Republicans will use that to push through massive federal voter disenfranchisement laws. It will pass mister with the new Supreme Court, and millions of Democrats will have their right to vote removed, giving the Republicans a permanent majority. Hell, if they swing it right, they'll get enough of the Senate and governorships to get a Constitutional Convention.

So people need to stop doing the usual circular firing squad, or thinking of this as an aberration, of politics as usual.


ayajedi November 29 2016, 20:59:55 UTC


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