These Wikileaks Emails Prove Just What A Monster Hillary Clinton Is

Nov 02, 2016 22:01

It’s what everyone in the Trump campaign talks about around the pyres of burning books. When you look closely, Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails show just what kind of person she is: a nasty woman who doesn’t know how to print things ( Read more... )

wikileaks, lulz, satire, election 2016, hillary clinton

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Comments 12

crucified November 3 2016, 06:25:17 UTC
Burn her at the stake!!!!!!!! What a vile woman!!!!


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crucified November 4 2016, 21:49:25 UTC
LMAOOOO No, I was being sarcastic. XD


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shortsweetcynic November 3 2016, 14:01:08 UTC
my self-care plans for that day have gone into overdrive. they mostly involve a metrick fuckton of distraction and then a lot of alcohol until it's called. :/


tinylegacies November 3 2016, 14:24:25 UTC
I am trying to decide if I want to nap after work and stay up to watch the returns or go to bed early and pray that I wake up in a world where that man is not my president.


sabrinita November 3 2016, 22:26:31 UTC
I'm so glad I have that day off of work. It was actually somewhat of an accident. I took the 7th and 8th off because my fiance's birthday is on the 8th. Then I figured out several months later that it worked out nicely for me to get election day off as well =P


ineverycolor November 3 2016, 07:22:16 UTC
I feel this interview goes well with this post:


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moonshaz November 3 2016, 20:36:31 UTC


fka November 3 2016, 13:19:17 UTC
"Indictment Is Likely" is currently trending on twitter lmao.


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