Gambia: The ICC Should Be Called the International Caucasian Court

Oct 26, 2016 18:44

The nation of Gambia is the smallest on Africa’s mainland, ruled by dictator Yahya Jammeh, who has held power since he overthrew the prior government in a 1994 military coup. It’s also one of the top sources of migrants who regularly flee its deteriorating economy to seek better opportunities in the European Union, often risking their lives by ( Read more... )

race / racism, africa, war crimes, united nations, burundi

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Comments 4

shanrina October 26 2016, 19:47:42 UTC
But western leaders like former US President George Bush have gone to war citing reasons of protecting their own countries, which have largely been accepted by the international community

Have they, though?

edited because wtf, formatting (Anyone else finding that enter/return is no longer showing up as a new line?)


meegs73 October 26 2016, 20:18:22 UTC
He's right. War crimes committed by the Unitted States and Israel are largely ignored. That's not to say that Gambia's administration doesn't also deserve to be condemned.


pairatime October 27 2016, 01:11:53 UTC
Any crime the Unitted States or Israel may or may not have committed aren't being ignored, there is just nothing the ICC can do because neither nation has ratified the Rome Statute as nether plan to change that anything soon the ICC has zero power in regards to them.


invisiblegirlx October 26 2016, 20:27:32 UTC

I don't think they have much room to criticize if they are committing acts of violence on their people themselves. they do have a point about the lack of action on crimes committed by Western nations


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