donde esta la jirafa

Oct 17, 2016 08:31

Kaine delivers entire speech in Spanish at Miami churchDemocratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine on Sunday became the first candidate on a major-party presidential ticket to deliver a campaign speech entirely in Spanish ( Read more... )

election 2016, tim kaine, florida

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Comments 6

bnmc2005 October 17 2016, 14:46:12 UTC
This is awesome.

I wish Americans would just accept that Spanish is our second language.

That being said, I need to commit myself to learning the language. No time like the present.


ladycyndra October 17 2016, 18:24:31 UTC
Ugh this reminds me of what someone said that people speaking Spanish more and more in this country was a SAD thing. Racist trash. I hope to never see that person ever again. Oh and this was said in front of me, a MEXICAN.


blackjedii October 17 2016, 19:09:01 UTC
so how do u plan to build your walls.

Lego blocks?


I'm going to build it out of ice so it's pretty and shiny and blindy.


ladycyndra October 17 2016, 22:26:48 UTC
Legos and leave a lot of them on the ground so that they get stepped on, causing IMMENSE PAIN.


blackjedii October 18 2016, 02:14:00 UTC
I think I will build my wall out of Skittles.

It will be rainbow.

And delicious


mustikas October 17 2016, 20:58:55 UTC
How do progressive people/people from South America view his mission trips? I read this article in the NYT in September and have difficulty forming an opinion about it:®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=40&pgtype=collection . (I have to add that I have been very critical about missionary work and young people without the necessary expertise going abroad to "help" and have had many conversations about this topic during the last summer)


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