The moral case for Hillary Clinton

Aug 07, 2016 16:01

The moral case for Hillary Clinton: Even if you might dislike her, this isn’t the year to back a third-party candidate
Voters planning to support Jill Stein or Gary Johnson should take a moment to examine the potential consequences “What would it take for you to vote for a third-party candidate ( Read more... )

libertarian party, bernie sanders, opinion piece, voting, election 2016, green party, donald trump, hillary clinton, presidential candidates

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Comments 51

blackjedii August 7 2016, 23:16:27 UTC
i still dgaf about voting for Clinton. Like... no thanks. No thanks.

I am ok with voting for kaine the "soccer dad" memes will be a thing of glory


blackjedii August 7 2016, 23:19:44 UTC
also just mostly ish skimming this article but it still doesn't strike a "hey Clinton is an awesome lady look at the thing she did!! so much as "Trump is an unmitigated disastuh of a man who hates everyone and everything but himself and his Twitter"

Which is not a case for Clinton so much as a "hey look what your other choice is"

Which is still a problem

But unfortunately a problem much bigger than electing Clinton would fix


mimblexwimble August 8 2016, 03:26:55 UTC
Why is Kaine okay, but not Clinton?


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prehnite August 8 2016, 01:53:01 UTC
Presidential elections aren’t just about principles; they’re about human lives.

And those human lives are why I'm voting third party and not for someone who never saw a foreign intervention she didn't like.


mimblexwimble August 8 2016, 03:26:13 UTC
You don't believe your third party vote might affect human lives badly?


prehnite August 8 2016, 03:39:57 UTC
Do you believe my third party vote will be enough to sway the Electoral College to give an absolute majority of votes to someone who will, or to not reach an absolute majority at all? Because I don't.


brittdreams August 8 2016, 12:04:02 UTC
Depends on what state you vote in. I voted in Florida in three presidential elections and like to think Dems there learned their lesson after the 2000 election debacle.


richeiieu August 8 2016, 06:58:11 UTC
Didn't you know? There isn't a single positive reason to vote for Hillary. That's why if we support her we're just stans, or why mod rules only apply when we disrupt the anti-Clinton circlejerk that clearly has nothing to do with your standard white-bread misogyny.


spiritoftherain August 8 2016, 08:41:57 UTC
Help! You're being oppressed!


blackjedii August 8 2016, 08:53:19 UTC
She turned me into a newt, once.


richeiieu August 8 2016, 09:56:07 UTC
Are you sure you replied to the right person? Sounds more like your narrative about how the ~DNC is shoving Hillary down our throats~ / brainwashed into getting some Bernie Brah dick.


lied_ohne_worte August 8 2016, 08:58:41 UTC
“What would it take for you to vote for a third-party candidate?”

As I understand it, the US election system is set up so there's never a good time for that?


blackjedii August 8 2016, 09:00:34 UTC
Only in local elections methinks. :|


tinylegacies August 8 2016, 16:42:28 UTC
No, it really isn't at the presidential level.

If third parties want to make effective inroads, they need to run at the local levels and build up their reputations. And we need to work on rehauling or abolishing the electoral college.


lightframes August 8 2016, 22:21:12 UTC
It would have to be the literal DREAM candidate - someone I align with so closely that I'd be willing to vote for that person to increase that party's showing in this election knowing they wouldn't win but that we might be able to gain more votes in the time and work done until the next election.

Stein doesn't do that for me.


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lightframes August 8 2016, 22:19:13 UTC
the VP's job is to help the nominee get elected, shut up, and then fade away into uselessness


u right, though.


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