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Comments 45

mimblexwimble July 27 2016, 22:09:48 UTC
This, Bill's line about Muslims last night--do better Dems.


rhysande July 27 2016, 23:27:39 UTC
IA. Still a lot of missed opportunities for real improvements.


arisma July 28 2016, 01:24:08 UTC
What did he say?


natyanayaki July 28 2016, 02:09:07 UTC
He said something to the effect of "If you're a Muslim who wants to join us against terror you're welcome" or "stay" or something. It was supposed to be a contrast to Trumps rhetoric, but it really wasn't great.

I mean, why aren't they saying something like "if you're a white person who hates white supremacy and swears to fight it you're welcome"? Oh! Because whites are always welcome but non-whites are only conditionally welcome???????

Which is fucking hilarious since the Americas don't fucking belongs to white people...not really...but we're not supposed to remember that.


prlsb4swiine July 27 2016, 22:14:21 UTC
What 📣 tf 📣 is new?? 📣
Now that the dems are ~ United~ they can begin throwing the marginalized under the bus again


fishphile July 27 2016, 22:15:30 UTC


abiding July 27 2016, 23:54:51 UTC
Yep. (2)


headcaseheidi July 28 2016, 00:17:45 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

fishphile July 27 2016, 22:39:20 UTC
Yes, she has. At this point, throw a damn bone or something. JFC. Something.


eldvno July 27 2016, 22:46:52 UTC
Right? idgaf if it is just symbolic, just throw the far left a bone!


lozbabie July 28 2016, 02:49:33 UTC
Such as $15 hour minimum wage? (Instead of the $12 she stood for)

The school plan?

You've been thrown more than bones. Still not good enough.


jeeelim5 July 27 2016, 22:32:00 UTC

Disappointed but not surprised.

I hope Hillary and her team realize that progressive/left votes shouldn't be taken for granted and that things like this really aren't helping.

'Big tent' party my ass, that term can go die in a hole.


headcaseheidi July 28 2016, 00:22:05 UTC
that trump fearmongering to get progressives to fall into line may scrape 2016 for her, but gl w that strategy when the gop runs someone less ~uncouth for the palates of rich moderates and conservatives in 2020


lightframes July 28 2016, 23:47:29 UTC
That's a really good point. Fear tactics won't work on people when she's running against Paul Ryan.


natyanayaki July 28 2016, 02:10:38 UTC
I don't know if I'm going to vote for HRC, but every poll I've answered I've made sure to state that I won't vote for her and I explain why. Not that I think that'll make a difference.


headcaseheidi July 28 2016, 00:20:11 UTC
The Clinton campaign has been courting endorsements from independents and centrist Republicans in an effort to appeal to Republican voters uncomfortable with Donald Trump.



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