New Leak: Top DNC Official Wanted to Use Bernie Sanders’s Religious Beliefs Against Him

Jul 22, 2016 12:31

Among the nearly 20,000 internal emails from the Democratic National Committee, released Friday by Wikileaks and presumably provided by the hacker “Guccifer 2.0,” is a May 2016 message from DNC CFO Brad Marshall. In it, he suggested that the party should "get someone to ask" Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders about his religious ( Read more... )

democratic national committee/convention, anti-semitism, bernie sanders

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Comments 65

invisiblegirlx July 22 2016, 17:43:08 UTC
I don't understand why it is such a bad thing to be an atheist in American politics? Outside of the religious right America is becoming much less religious overall.


sugartitty July 22 2016, 17:55:32 UTC
I'm not sure it will be for much longer. I for one would love to have an openly atheist president, and I'm sure the majority of millennials wouldn't have a problem with it either. I honestly don't think it would be a death sentence for a Democratic candidate to be irreligious these days.


rhysande July 23 2016, 15:42:47 UTC
Maybe it's a function of living in a Bible belt state, but Sanders' religion (or lack thereof) was brought up over and over again. Most people on the left that I talk to don't care, just like they don't care about him being a Democratic Socialist. Elections past it would have been a big deal.


invisiblegirlx July 23 2016, 15:52:47 UTC
yeah i think that in terms of electabiliy that religion or lack thereof would not really be important for a Democrat candidate. The folks who wouldn't vote for someone if they aren't religious aren't voting democrat anyway


calinewarkwc69 July 22 2016, 17:50:15 UTC
And here one of them main things I love about Bernie is his separation of church & state; and him not running around saying the book that most influenced him was The Bible.


tarawr July 22 2016, 17:53:54 UTC


mhfromnh July 22 2016, 18:31:12 UTC
I hate when people cite the Bible as one of their ~favorite books on their Facebook pages and such. like, we get it, you don't really read.


liliaeth July 22 2016, 19:04:52 UTC
It's one of many huge differences between Belgian and American politics. If a politician here tried to start bringing up his religion too often, it would probably cost him the election, because most people here don't want their politicians to be too public about what they do or do not believe in.


backincharge July 22 2016, 17:50:31 UTC
I'm officially switching over to Independent after this election. I'm also voting for Jill Stein after the Tim Kaine VP pick. I'm over both parties shit.


tinylegacies July 22 2016, 18:03:00 UTC
I'm confused. I thought Clinton was announcing her VP pick tomorrow.


moonshaz July 22 2016, 18:55:56 UTC
She is. Some seem to be sure it's going to be Kaine, but I don't know where that's coming from.

I won't be thrilled if it's Kaine myself, but I don't get why people are panicking when we don't actually know for a fact that it's him.

ETA: Correction. She's doing it by text to supporters today; the public rollout is tomorrow.


calinewarkwc69 July 22 2016, 18:05:36 UTC
I was crossing my fingers SO HARD for Tom Perez, he was the most palatable, dare I say even decent pick off the short list, but as my roommate said "not having a white man on the ticket would be pretty bold for a Clinton"


sugartitty July 22 2016, 18:02:27 UTC
There was another leaked DNC email from Debbie Wasserman Schultz saying that Bernie's efforts to push Dems towards a more balanced treatment of Israel and Palestine was "disturbing" and that they should use his stance to "marginalize him." What a bunch of fuckers.


mhfromnh July 22 2016, 18:34:04 UTC
what the fuck is wrong with a "balanced" treatment of Israel and Palestine?


tarawr July 22 2016, 19:28:02 UTC
wtf :(


Seeing these on FB calinewarkwc69 July 22 2016, 18:02:54 UTC

... )


Re: Seeing these on FB prehnite July 22 2016, 20:29:39 UTC
Wondering if there's a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess.

Reminds me of this tweet.

Maybe I would buy into "bernie bros" more if I hadn't been pitched a story about bernie bros by Hillary's camp.
- Olivia Nuzzi (@Olivianuzzi) June 8, 2016


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