US congress to put limits on ex-presidents' budgets

Jul 08, 2016 16:34

On Friday the US congress voted to place limits on expense accounts allotted to former presidents.

These accounts cover travel, staff and office costs.

The new bill caps spending at $200,000 (£154,381) and reduces it further if the former president has made over $400,000 in a year.The bill's authors said most ex-presidents did not need support ( Read more... )

congress, usa, budget

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Comments 16

invisiblegirlx July 9 2016, 08:31:43 UTC
there should definitely be a cap, as most presidents do just fine afterwards. I certainly hope this passes.


pairatime July 9 2016, 16:45:43 UTC
Yes. We should not be paying for them given what they make.


liliaeth July 9 2016, 09:47:36 UTC
This is a good thing, don't get me wrong. But it's funny how they see the need to vote this in, just as Obama's second term is ending


muted_hitokiri July 9 2016, 14:34:53 UTC
Yeah that's exactly what I thought. The law is fine but the timing is rather odd...


pairatime July 9 2016, 16:47:30 UTC
Honestly when I first read this I didn't think of it but now I can't help but think Obama is why but still their questionable motives aside it's something that should have happened years ago.


liliaeth July 10 2016, 04:17:07 UTC
It's more proof of certain white people being willing to give up their own benefits and rights, if there's a risk that black people might enjoy those same benefits and rights.


hudebnik July 9 2016, 10:20:33 UTC
Yes, one assumes this is carefully timed and aimed at Obama. But let's look at the bright side:

This Congress passed a law that the President is expected to sign!

How often have you read those words in the past six years?


pairatime July 9 2016, 16:43:09 UTC
I know it's good to see the government passing reasonable laws every once in a while even if their motivation is questionable.


sixdemonhag July 9 2016, 22:38:01 UTC
Great. Now what about their own retirement packages?


pairatime July 10 2016, 01:46:11 UTC
I'm rather cool with their retirement plans. I think it's rather reasonable, (best breakdown of it I know is here, Can I ask what parts that need to change?


jenk July 9 2016, 23:59:34 UTC
I'm a bit surprised that W got reimbursed more than Bill Clinton. My perception has been that Clinton is out Doing Things, and W is mostly sitting home on his ranch.....


pairatime July 10 2016, 01:39:12 UTC
I'm guessing half the stuff that Clinton is doing is for the other Clinton's campaign so maybe they're paying for most of it?


liliaeth July 10 2016, 04:18:44 UTC
I'd also imagine, that with the way the republicans try and pin anything on Hillary, that they're careful on what part of tax payer money they have Bill use to benefit Hillary's campaign.


pairatime July 10 2016, 07:11:24 UTC
Very likely. They will do anything to get charges filed on her.


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