US congress to put limits on ex-presidents' budgets

Jul 08, 2016 16:34

On Friday the US congress voted to place limits on expense accounts allotted to former presidents.

These accounts cover travel, staff and office costs.

The new bill caps spending at $200,000 (£154,381) and reduces it further if the former president has made over $400,000 in a year.The bill's authors said most ex-presidents did not need support ( Read more... )

congress, usa, budget

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liliaeth July 9 2016, 09:47:36 UTC
This is a good thing, don't get me wrong. But it's funny how they see the need to vote this in, just as Obama's second term is ending


muted_hitokiri July 9 2016, 14:34:53 UTC
Yeah that's exactly what I thought. The law is fine but the timing is rather odd...


pairatime July 9 2016, 16:47:30 UTC
Honestly when I first read this I didn't think of it but now I can't help but think Obama is why but still their questionable motives aside it's something that should have happened years ago.


liliaeth July 10 2016, 04:17:07 UTC
It's more proof of certain white people being willing to give up their own benefits and rights, if there's a risk that black people might enjoy those same benefits and rights.


pairatime July 10 2016, 07:09:40 UTC
Which is just dumb, no one should have had it in the first place.


littlelistmaker July 10 2016, 04:13:14 UTC
mte this doesn't seem like a coincidence


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