Warren explains why she endorsed Clinton despite differences and Hillary's switch on bankruptcy bill

Jun 29, 2016 01:16

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) appears on ABC's The View today after she joined Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail Monday for the first time. Warren touted Clinton as a "steady hand" with a good heart. Warren was asked if she believes Hillary Clinton has made any votes or decisions based on donations to her or the Clinton Foundation ( Read more... )

elizabeth warren, the view, election 2016, endorsements, hillary clinton, bankruptcy

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Comments 19

dafuqgetoffmeho June 29 2016, 08:08:35 UTC
imo people make a way bigger deal out of the bankruptcy bill than it merits. she agreed to vote in favor of the bill her first year in the senate only after fighting for several amendments promoted by women's groups to be made to the bill that would protect women and children, including the issue of collecting child support, should the fathers be unable to declare bankruptcy.

the bill didn't pass that year anyway, but it showed up again in 2004 and hillary released a public statement condemning it. bill clinton was getting heart surgery and she was with him at the hospital so she missed the vote.

when it popped up again in 2005 she voted against it.

people act like she was publicly cozying up to the bill to please the credit companies, when she was still harshly critical of it even when she agreed to vote for it, and when she only voted for it after amendments tackling the issue warren pointed out regarding how it would affect single mothers in particular were added into the bill.


richeiieu June 29 2016, 12:26:17 UTC
Additionally the bill was going to be passed regardless because the Republicans took control. She did what she could to tack on as many things as she could to make the best of the situation.




tabaqui June 29 2016, 13:38:04 UTC
All of this. It's just another thing - like Benghazi!!! - that people try to spin and trump up into something bigger than it actually was, while willfully ignoring the facts of the matter.


dafuqgetoffmeho June 29 2016, 15:27:34 UTC
Her arguments on the senate floor are all readily available for people to find.

From March 15, 2001:



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sugartitty June 29 2016, 11:44:56 UTC
just working tirelessly to prevent things from getting worse even if the best you can hope for is that they remain the same

This is basically where I am right now with this whole election. I'm pinning my hopes on more progressive Dems getting voted in on downticket elections. I have my reasons for not liking HRC but I know she'll be vastly better for this country than Trump, even if that just means she maintains the status quo.


amyura June 29 2016, 17:17:46 UTC
Right where I am, too.


redstar826 June 29 2016, 18:50:33 UTC
Yeah, right now, the downticket is key. I think where I am, we've got a real shot at flipping some seats since both Trump and our governor (Snyder-Michigan) are so unpopular.


lightframes June 30 2016, 00:47:24 UTC
Yep, my feelings.


tabaqui June 29 2016, 13:38:52 UTC
And of course, now my Hillary-hating brother is using the same derogatory words and whatnot to describe Ms Warren, and whining about how she's been 'bamboozled' and 'bought'. Fucking idiot.


roseembolism June 29 2016, 22:11:03 UTC
Yeah, I've been hearing that. She's made no changes in her policies, but suddenly she's a corporate sell-out. *sigh*

On the other hand, I'm starting to earn up to her as a VP candidate. Losing her in the Desiccated would be a blow, but having her be the person to go on the attack for the next eight years would be neat.


tabaqui June 30 2016, 01:26:53 UTC
I'm so torn! I would *love* her as VP - i mean, two women in charge of the country? Fuck yes!

But not if her seat will go red. So....*flails*


moonshaz June 29 2016, 22:11:56 UTC
Why does that not surprise me, lol?

Sorry to hear about your brother. It's so weird how some people's seem to minds work. I just don't get how they do it myself.


moonshaz June 29 2016, 23:33:04 UTC
Thanks so much for this post! It was very informative. I was not at all well-informed about the bankruptcy bill or Hillary's involvement with it.

And, oh yeah, I'm totally in the tank for Warren as Clinton's veep at this point!


lightframes June 30 2016, 00:48:35 UTC
But her Senate seeeeeat

I don't mean that sarcastically, I'm really worried. I don't want to lose that seat!


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