Warren explains why she endorsed Clinton despite differences and Hillary's switch on bankruptcy bill

Jun 29, 2016 01:16

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) appears on ABC's The View today after she joined Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail Monday for the first time. Warren touted Clinton as a "steady hand" with a good heart. Warren was asked if she believes Hillary Clinton has made any votes or decisions based on donations to her or the Clinton Foundation.

"The way I look at this is Hillary Clinton has been fighting for children pretty much all of her life. She's been fighting for women. She's been fighting for families. She's been fighting to level the playing field. She's been fighting for those who don't have a voice in Washington. And I see it as she's tough, she's smart, she's got a steady hand and I think she's got a good heart. And that's it for me," Warren explained her support.

Warren also addressed her ongoing feud with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump over her Native American heritage.

"My brothers and I learned who we are from our families. And the people who have hired me for my jobs, the work I've done, have all said that my background didn't have anything to do with it. In fact, they mostly didn't know about it," Warren said.

(Added by OP:)

When asked about Clinton flip-flopping on the bankruptcy bill that she convinced Bill to veto when he was president, then subsequently voted in favor of when she became a senator:

"Look, she has said now that she regrets that vote and I appreciate that, because what she has also said as she has run for president is that she will put more restrictions on Wall Street and that she will veto any legislation to roll back any of the financial reforms we put in after the last crash. And you know, when you compare that with Donald Trump and where the Republicans are--Donald Trump has already offered his big wet kiss to Wall Street. He has said, 'Hey guys, if I get in I'm gonna roll back all those financial regulations because they make it too hard for the banks to cheat people.' Well to me that's a huge difference and one reason I wanted to be out there to campaign for Hillary Clinton yesterday."

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I finished reading Elizabeth's autobiography the other day and I'm not surprised that she will support Hillary despite the bankruptcy bill issue. There are a lot of instances in the book where Elizabeth describes being disillusioned with Washington and the way politics work and sometimes just working tirelessly to prevent things from getting worse even if the best you can hope for is that they remain the same, so it's in line with her character to support Hillary because she believes Hillary is a good person who doesn't actively want to ruin people's lives. She likely sees the chance of progress with Clinton whereas none at all with Trump.

elizabeth warren, the view, election 2016, endorsements, hillary clinton, bankruptcy

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