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headcaseheidi April 27 2016, 14:58:12 UTC
lol at the media writing off bernie almost since the beginning yet trying to act like cruz/kasich are still options. you assholes are complicit in the nomination of that decades expired cheeto, fucking deal with it.

yeah i was sideeyeing those "yaaaaas feminist queen!!!" comments. i know some of them were facetious if not outright trolling but it still annoys me. a ceiling shattered for class-privileged feminists, i guess.



vindictaa April 27 2016, 16:11:06 UTC
ya right? I'm sick of the people who hail her as some feminist saviour while simultaneously paying lip service to & calling themselves intersectional feminists. yeah no, that's not how it works. but it's the same tired shit white women have done for decades. i said this before but HRC stands for everything intersectional feminists fight against and is a supporter of the systems we try to dismantle. but yet again, the masses are fooled by a white liberal feminist. it really isn't that surprising.


browneyedguuurl April 27 2016, 16:16:46 UTC
As always so on point.


headcaseheidi April 27 2016, 14:51:25 UTC
still disappointed in pennsylvania but not surprised. other than pittsburgh and philly, that state is conservative as fuck, and both cities have their share of rich white people. i had little hope for bernie there but it still sucks that so many of my friends were fucked over by voter suppression.

crying at tangerine tornado.


somechickxoxo April 27 2016, 15:21:14 UTC
I feel like the election fraud and voter suppression issues are being overlooked and seen as tinfoil hat conspiracies. But there's been so much mishandling in the Dem elections this season it's very disheartening. No I'm not blaming Clinton but it's suspicious that it's usually in favor of one candidate; even though I don't think she is directly involved.


headcaseheidi April 27 2016, 15:33:30 UTC
it's depressing. and yeah, i especially dislike the handwaving of it from certain clinton supporters. i won't blame clinton herself unless direct evidence leaks, but dws as well as the party aren't exactly bastions of morality.


flyingpigs_live April 27 2016, 15:36:05 UTC
I feel like the election fraud and voter suppression issues are being overlooked and seen as tinfoil hat conspiracies.

lol some asshole had the gall to tell me that my not being able to vote because of the mysterious party change in my registration (i'm in NY) was just "anecdotal" and that I must have changed it and forgotten. because i would do that when i know perfectly well that NY has a closed primary and thus I would not be able to vote if I wasn't registered with one of the two parties. idiot.


tanglespiders April 27 2016, 15:01:17 UTC
"Cruz has one more shot: A decisive win in the suddenly seminal Indiana primary on May 3"

Pff, not after he called the rim a "basketball ring." They oughta run him out of the state.


fenchurchly April 27 2016, 19:13:34 UTC
He's truly an alien in a human suit trying to ~act normal.


sweeeetnatural April 27 2016, 15:19:27 UTC
So happy for Hillary

She won big in my state (Maryland)


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tabaqui April 27 2016, 20:55:45 UTC
Right? Me too. I was definitely with Hillary in 2008, and was sad when she stepped back (and think that we had an amazing president in Obama). But this is...like they said. History-making.


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