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headcaseheidi April 27 2016, 14:51:25 UTC
still disappointed in pennsylvania but not surprised. other than pittsburgh and philly, that state is conservative as fuck, and both cities have their share of rich white people. i had little hope for bernie there but it still sucks that so many of my friends were fucked over by voter suppression.

crying at tangerine tornado.


somechickxoxo April 27 2016, 15:21:14 UTC
I feel like the election fraud and voter suppression issues are being overlooked and seen as tinfoil hat conspiracies. But there's been so much mishandling in the Dem elections this season it's very disheartening. No I'm not blaming Clinton but it's suspicious that it's usually in favor of one candidate; even though I don't think she is directly involved.


headcaseheidi April 27 2016, 15:33:30 UTC
it's depressing. and yeah, i especially dislike the handwaving of it from certain clinton supporters. i won't blame clinton herself unless direct evidence leaks, but dws as well as the party aren't exactly bastions of morality.


flyingpigs_live April 27 2016, 15:36:05 UTC
I feel like the election fraud and voter suppression issues are being overlooked and seen as tinfoil hat conspiracies.

lol some asshole had the gall to tell me that my not being able to vote because of the mysterious party change in my registration (i'm in NY) was just "anecdotal" and that I must have changed it and forgotten. because i would do that when i know perfectly well that NY has a closed primary and thus I would not be able to vote if I wasn't registered with one of the two parties. idiot.


browneyedguuurl April 27 2016, 16:31:16 UTC
That type of thinking is so condescending and stupid.


natyanayaki April 27 2016, 20:20:47 UTC
A friens of mine who has voted before as a Democrat somehow got unregistered or something and was forced to vote using a provisional ballot?!!!


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headcaseheidi April 27 2016, 16:08:54 UTC
lmao gotta love this wave of revisionist history re: bush being blamed on third party votes rather than, y'know, voter fraud

but if fear-mongering benefits your candidate, go for it i guess

2016 is truly historical, time travel has finally arrived and changed previous elections, praise be


browneyedguuurl April 27 2016, 19:18:56 UTC


browneyedguuurl April 27 2016, 16:30:38 UTC
Election fraud doesn't fit their narrative yet if Hillary loses in November you can bet your ass they will claim it's because of fraud. Also, I love how they are all for closed primaries because "non Democrats shouldn't elect our nominee!!!11!" yet will beg those Independent voters to support their candidate because without them they can't win. Lmao! It's abundantly clear a lot of fuckery has gone down this primary season. Hundreds of thousands of voters purged, the change in affiliations, closing polling places, the broken machines, the provisional ballots, etc. That shit is not democratic in the least but it's working the way the establishment wants so who cares...


natyanayaki April 27 2016, 20:23:36 UTC
i mean, how the frak is it wthical for dws to be the chair of the dnc when she nas a democrat primary challenger???????????? that alone is indefensible!


browneyedguuurl April 27 2016, 20:31:56 UTC
Or the fact that she worked for Hillary's election campaign in 2008? DWS is terrible at her job. The DNC has lost representation in both the House and Senate during her time as its head. I hope Tim Canova wipes the floor with her.


natyanayaki April 27 2016, 22:49:59 UTC
i didn't know she worked for hillary's campaign...omd.


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