Kansas Bill Would Let Students Sue Over Transgender Bathroom Use

Mar 27, 2016 10:34

Students would be able to sue if they found others using bathrooms that don't match their birth sex ( Read more... )

*trigger warning: transphobia, kansas, transphobia, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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Comments 14

dumpweeds March 27 2016, 17:53:32 UTC
words cannot describe the rage and frustration I feel toward bathroom policing. there is ZERO evidence of people pretending to be trans so they can go in the opposite sex bathroom.

edited for spelling


ladycyndra March 27 2016, 17:59:16 UTC
This is such bullshit.


pairatime March 27 2016, 18:56:26 UTC
While I do not like the law it's being used for in this case I do like the idea of streamlining the right of a private citizen being able to sue a company if they do not enforce the law on their grounds.


ohmiya_sg March 27 2016, 18:56:45 UTC
So can they make all the bathrooms unisex, or has that been banned too?


invisiblegirlx March 27 2016, 19:01:49 UTC
I just don't understand how a state can legislate something that is so obviously a violation of human rights. I guess being Canadian it's hard for me to understand how states can have so much power over law. I mean... It's gonna to go to court and get tossed out in the end. It's sad that people will have to suffer until that happens.


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