Poverty, inequality fuelling suicide crisis, First Nations leader says

Mar 13, 2016 17:09

Poverty, inequality fuelling suicide crisis, First Nations leader says
Government must do more than respond to emergencies, says Northern Manitoba grand chief

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discrimination, *trigger warning: suicide, suicide, canada, human rights, first nations, race / racism, inequality, poverty, *trigger warning: racism, indigenous people, children

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Comments 15

colorfilm March 14 2016, 01:55:55 UTC
the way canada treats the first nations is shameful. it's why i always laugh when someone says it's such a "nice country". hopefully trudeau does something unlike harper, but i'm cynical (he's liberal after all)

this post should have more comments :/


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colorfilm March 14 2016, 02:15:03 UTC
yeah i know, i live here lol. i guess i'm too optimistic :(


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shahar March 14 2016, 02:15:24 UTC
Have you seen this article on Al Jazeera about the U.S. version of this issue? It is really well done. http://projects.aljazeera.com/2016/02/pine-ridge-teen-suicide/


soleiltropiques March 14 2016, 16:31:32 UTC
Thanks for this link -just heartbreaking and utterly shameful.

The way the article underlined the way in which the system ensures that securing sufficient funding for any initiative pertaining to, say, suicide is almost impossible was very telling.


shahar April 12 2016, 02:18:13 UTC
I know that this is an old thread, but I saw this article pop up on the Facebook trending sidebar and thought you would be interested.

A remote Indigenous community in Canada has declared a state of emergency after 11 residents attempted to take their own lives in a single day over the weekend...


soleiltropiques April 12 2016, 02:37:46 UTC
Thank you. I did see it -it's so horrible.

What's equally horrible is that many other indigenous communities are facing the same crisis. There is for example the community of Kuujjuaq is also facing the same thing: http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/remote-quebec-community-of-kuujjuaq-reeling-after-three-teen-suicides

Things really need to change.


robi0688 March 14 2016, 03:44:00 UTC
Another problem is that there is an entire generation growing up with inherited PTSD from the rez schools and people like to think that reparations and a few apologies will make up for everything first nations children -- people, really, but children especially -- suffered. Fuck right off.


soleiltropiques March 14 2016, 16:32:27 UTC
And some, like the Catholic church, even felt that apologies were too much. (They wanted to "look to the future", basically.)


robi0688 March 15 2016, 05:12:56 UTC
Considering how long an official apology took, it's a pretty popular opinion.


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