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Comments 12

calinewarkwc69 December 16 2015, 19:34:16 UTC
Ok, so Jeb! & Rand Paul actually kinda had me going last night. The way they tag teamed Trump and shit... I was seeing Prez/VP stars from my Republican't past life I think.


eveofrevolution December 16 2015, 19:37:12 UTC
calinewarkwc69 December 16 2015, 19:38:33 UTC

Trump's stupidity was REALLLLLY showing last night too. Like, no two sentences were the same. His bromance with Cruz though...... oh my gawwwwd. I hope the sex tape is released soon =)


eveofrevolution December 16 2015, 19:43:38 UTC

ineverycolor December 16 2015, 20:42:17 UTC
I guess Jeb. We already survived twelve years with a bush in the white house i guess we can handle a few more?


sayuridoll December 16 2015, 22:16:24 UTC
He also said he planned to work with King Hussein of Jordan, who's been dead for almost 17 years.



evilnel December 16 2015, 23:30:38 UTC
If I HAD to vote for one, it would be either Jeb or Rubio. I like that both of them are more pro-immigration and bide their time. I also appreciate that Rubio had to explain something to Trump even though he's like a billion years younger. He does know some shit. Speaking of, Trump is disgusting, Cruz isn't much better. I find Carly Fiorina to be kind of opportunistic and disingenuous. I hate Rand Paul because he seems to hate poor people a lot more than most of the others, and Carson just seems so bored that he's falling asleep. So yeah, probably Rubio or Bush... I don't hate either of them a lot.

Though I will never forget this:


omimouse December 17 2015, 00:47:06 UTC
Please let Bush win the nomination, not just because he's not as bad as the rest of them, (good god, is that ever damning with praise so faint it's nearly invisible) but also because I'm pretty sure voters aren't quite over Dubya enough to not recoil at his name alone, and I'll take any edge the Democrats can get.


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