Tucker Carlson: ‘We don’t have slavery in the world today’ thanks to Christianity

Feb 08, 2015 18:06

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Sunday declared that all slavery in the world had been eradicated thanks to the Christian faith ( Read more... )

religion, fox news, stupid people, slavery, god save us from your followers, fuck this guy, tucker carlson, right-wing rage pimp

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Comments 17

that_which February 9 2015, 01:11:46 UTC
Oh, little lord Birdseye doesn't believe this shit. He's just reached the point where not even the huge sum of money his mommy's company spends on consumer advertising will convince anyone to hire him, and the vanity 'news organization' he founded haa failed to make him a player. At this point he's pretty much Ann Coulter with a slightly larger trust fund. Saying dumb shit for an outrage bump is pretty much his business model.


mercystars February 9 2015, 01:38:59 UTC
This. (And don't forget to add "failed potential gameshow host" to his resume!)


moonshaz February 9 2015, 18:31:29 UTC
Oh, thanks for the background on His Royal Doucheiness! He's not exactly on my radar, so I wasn't aware of his employment status. Wonder why Faux News doesn't give him a full time job--he'd fit right in there!


that_which February 9 2015, 22:48:56 UTC
Just one more thing America owes to Jon Stewart, is all I'm saying ;)


chaya February 9 2015, 01:30:22 UTC

... )


simply_blah February 9 2015, 03:04:04 UTC
Yes. I just made the exact same face as I was reading.


moonshaz February 12 2015, 13:04:19 UTC
Mine was more like this:

... )


tilmon February 9 2015, 03:18:48 UTC
Tucker Carlson is incapable of learning anything that doesn't reinforce his belief in his own righteousness.


mimblexwimble February 9 2015, 04:14:38 UTC

... )


tabloidscully February 9 2015, 07:04:27 UTC
JFC. Fuck both of these assholes.


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