Tucker Carlson: ‘We don’t have slavery in the world today’ thanks to Christianity

Feb 08, 2015 18:06

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Sunday declared that all slavery in the world had been eradicated thanks to the Christian faith.

At the National Prayer Breakfast last week, conservatives accused President Barack Obama of comparing Christianity to the Islamic terrorist group ISIS when he observed that many religions had been used to justify violence throughout history.

“So we’re responsible for the Crusades a thousand years ago?” Carlson complained. “Who’s ‘us’ anyway? And by the way, who ended slavery and Jim Crow? Christians. The Rev. Martin Luther King. Christians.”

“Christianity is the reason we don’t have slavery in the world today,” he added. “I mean, talk about ahistorical.”

Co-host Ainsley Earhardt said that Obama’s remarks were “completely inappropriate” because there were many evangelical Christians at the National Prayer Breakfast.

“Know your audience,” she recommended. “No one expected the Inquisition to be mentioned at the National Prayer Breakfast.”

“What’s so striking though is his mention of the Crusades as a way to make the point, ‘Before you judge ISIS, keep in mind that that Christians did it too,’” Carlson asserted. “The Crusades is a fixation among jihadis. There’s not a press release from ISIS or from al Qaeda that doesn’t call us Crusaders.”

“And so for the president to use that specific word, aping the language of the jihadis is ominous and bizarre.”

According to the 2014 Global Slavery Index, there are an estimated 35.8 million slaves in the world.

Late last year, leaders of the largest religions in the world - including Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim and Christian faiths - met to sign a declaration of commitment to end slavery by 2020.

At the time, Pope Francis called slavery an “atrocious scourge present on a large scale throughout the world.”


I love it when conservative politicians and/or pundits make huge asses of themselves in the news. Tucker Carlson's display of massive ignorance of a major, troubling problem in the world today is a perfect example of what happens when people don't bother to fact-check their pre-existing assumptions.

I also had to facepalm at Ainsley Earhardt's assertion that it's inappropriate to say anything that be construed as being the least bit critical about ANYTHING in the entire history of Christianity when there are Christians in the room. Ainsley, if you're worried about their poor widdle, itty-bitty feelings getting hurt, CUT IT OUT. These are grown ass adults we're talking about here, not toddlers. If Obama's comments were THAT upsetting to them, they need to move to a remote island with no internet access to anything but right wing websites and no television except Fox "News", so that they won't have to risk hearing anything they don't like.

In conclusion Fuck you, Ainsley, fuck Tucker Carlson, and fuck the horses you both rode in on.

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religion, fox news, stupid people, slavery, god save us from your followers, fuck this guy, tucker carlson, right-wing rage pimp

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