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Comments 16

that_which October 16 2014, 20:28:01 UTC
Oh, geez, of course that Adam Baldwin, and all his lovely progressive friends from Whedon world (including Whedon) are going to agree to disagree with him like gentlemen fucking again. I swear that man would have to participate in a lynching on camera to offend his buddies.


spyral_out October 16 2014, 21:36:56 UTC
Joss Whedon has come out as against GamerGate.

... )


that_which October 16 2014, 21:43:22 UTC
That's nice, but as long as gamergate fans are posting pictures of Baldwin with Whedon and Fillion with their tag attached, it's about time to be a little more specific than retweeting something which never names the controversy. Both of them have world-class geek street cred, and they've decided that some form of bro loyalty to their deranged friend is more important than taking a clear stand. It's not the first time.


blackjedii October 17 2014, 00:02:29 UTC
I can't help just groaning at Gamergate, not the least of which is that I'm sick of anything with -gate at the end of it. It's got people who think their opinions are the MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, people who think it's a genuine crusade, and people who have no idea what's going on. The thing of it is unless it translates into actual political or non-Internet social activism (which it's not)... it's just a lot of people shouting into a circlejerk echo chamber. It's not even going to have an effect on the larger video game industry I don't think.

The articles about it and what they've chosen to report has been equally strange to me. No one - NO ONE - deserves harassment or threats but it kind of fascinates me how quickly the fact that Zoe Quinn was using some serious emotional abuse and gaslighting (which was what Gjonji was trying to show with the logs) was glossed over into "airing dirty laundry by a bitter ex." Not that I want to know about their relationship but it just kind of strikes me as assigning roles for quick soundbytes ( ... )


hinoema October 17 2014, 05:41:23 UTC
No one - NO ONE - deserves harassment or threats but

Why is it that whenever I see a 'but', I just know the poster is going to directly negate whatever they just claimed? No one deserves harassment or threats, but here's why she probably deserved it. No, 'no one' means 'no one'. Stop before you 'but' yourself.


blackjedii October 17 2014, 09:22:37 UTC
Erm, no. Thanks for putting words in my mouth by the way. No one deserves anything. If anything just reading what I did I feel like both parties need some help and a good therapist but that needs to be done well away from the blogosphere where they have privacy and feel safe ( ... )


idemandjustice October 17 2014, 23:03:04 UTC
As a rule, I always immediately stop reading when I get to a "but."


(The comment has been removed)

ladycyndra October 17 2014, 05:10:40 UTC
All hail Femputer!


recorded October 18 2014, 01:42:25 UTC
quitting gaming was the best decision of my life


kittymink October 18 2014, 15:44:59 UTC
I love gaming but hate what passes for gamer culture. I miss the 90s


recorded October 19 2014, 01:10:12 UTC
True dat. Although, I think the only game I played online in the 90s was diablo which I only have fond memories of. However, once counter-strike hit the scene.... Totally different culture.


kittymink October 18 2014, 15:45:19 UTC
Gamergate is so vile


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