Theocracy Trumps Federal Law!

Sep 17, 2014 06:28

Corporations to Bring Back Child Labor in the Name of Profits God!

Judge: Hobby Lobby Decision Means Polygamous Sect Member Can Refuse To Testify In Child Labor Case

Citing Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, the Supreme Court’s decision last June holding that the religious objections of a business’ owners could trump federal rules requiring that business to ( Read more... )

religious politics, capitalism fuck yeah, capitalism, christianity, religion, child abuse / csa, corporations, business, religious persecution, utah, somebody please think of the children!, america fuck yeah, republicans, children

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Comments 9

atomic_joe2 September 17 2014, 19:31:22 UTC
Let's not kid ourselves. The world will never be perfect.

But without religion it would be a lot closer.


tabaqui September 17 2014, 22:28:48 UTC
+ fucking 1


moonbladem September 17 2014, 19:37:19 UTC
Dear conservative justices of the US Supreme Court,

Remember that can of worms you opened with that Hobby Lobby case?

This is all on you. This, and any other case in future where someone who breaks the law can claim religion as a defense, or a reason not to testify. Talk about throwing a wrench into the wheels of justice.

Thank you so much for fucking up the line between church and state. We won't forget that.

Yours Truly,


shipperx September 17 2014, 20:29:39 UTC
Given the hackery of Scalia, I'm sure they'll get around to making some totally illogical 'decision' that all religions are not created equal and they only meant that the one THEY prefer is to trump all...


zinnia_rose September 17 2014, 21:23:16 UTC
When one of these men impregnated a woman, two other men were required to witness the act.

I'm sorry, I know this isn't the point of the article, but whaaaaaat?


squeeful September 17 2014, 21:33:06 UTC
Sometimes patriarchal cultures go really really far to ensure patrilinear succession. They must be ABSOLUTELY SURE the child is theirs.


qara_isuke September 18 2014, 04:56:44 UTC
Fuck all those pieces of shit.

Oh my god, so much disgusting nonsense going on in that group.


wrestlingdog September 18 2014, 13:16:02 UTC
So much for that "limited scope" in the Hobby Lobby ruling, eh, Scalia?

God, this pisses me off.


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