Theocracy Trumps Federal Law!

Sep 17, 2014 06:28

Corporations to Bring Back Child Labor in the Name of Profits God!

Judge: Hobby Lobby Decision Means Polygamous Sect Member Can Refuse To Testify In Child Labor Case

Citing Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, the Supreme Court’s decision last June holding that the religious objections of a business’ owners could trump federal rules requiring that business to ( Read more... )

religious politics, capitalism fuck yeah, capitalism, christianity, religion, child abuse / csa, corporations, business, religious persecution, utah, somebody please think of the children!, america fuck yeah, republicans, children

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Comments 9

oldruggedspork September 22 2014, 23:51:13 UTC
Is this the correct application of the law, that if a vow was taken you are not obliged to obey the law? I thought only married people were not allowed to testify against each other.

Though maybe Jeffs is married to all those kids.


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