Americans Are Too Stupid For GMO Labeling, Congressional Panel Says

Jul 15, 2014 18:43

WASHINGTON -- It's pretty rare that members of Congress and all the witnesses they've called will declare out loud that Americans are just too ignorant to be given a piece of information, but that was a key conclusion of a session of the House Agriculture Committee this week ( Read more... )

stupid people, wtf, food, washington d.c., agriculture

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Comments 20

lied_ohne_worte July 16 2014, 13:50:20 UTC
But denying of science and going with what they just ~feel~ to be true about, oh climate science is totally OK when they are doing it and the companies that pay them benefit. Sure.


nesmith July 16 2014, 13:51:54 UTC
Well, what do you expect from a country that for the last 30-odd years has been relentlessly told about how it's virtuous to be "simple" and have "down home values" and to distrust and have contempt for the "elites" and anyone who sounds too smart? When you have decades of constant dumbing-down and a celebration of ignorance, you get an ignorant, easily-panicked population too ignorant to understand all them big fancy words.


fenris_lorsrai July 16 2014, 14:22:59 UTC
Consumers can figure out kosher labeling but you think we can't figure out basic GMO labeling of "does this have a GMO crop in it somewhere?" okay then.

Of course some people think food stamped as halal is going to secretly make them muslim, so... there might be a point about us panicing. anything new is SCARY.


astartexx July 16 2014, 14:30:38 UTC
Personally I'm glad the EU is partial to waiting things out like fracking and GMOs and seeing the impact it might have first. If American politics are volunteering their country for it, good for them. It may be bad for the general population, but hey, what can you do? Rules and regulations are - mainly not for companies and lobbyist.


kittymink July 16 2014, 15:17:21 UTC
Well, that's true.


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