Georgia teen holding Wii remote shot by cops at his front door

Feb 19, 2014 20:04

A Georgia teen who dreamed of being a Marine was killed by police at his front door while wielding only a Wii remote, the family lawyer claims.

possible triggers: guns and gun violence )

video games, guns, police, teenagers, georgia (the state)

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Comments 22

shortsweetcynic February 20 2014, 17:28:13 UTC
jesus christ. :(

there is a part of me that is raging and a much bigger part of me that can't be bothered to express that because this is so, so sad and i am so sick of this happening at least once a day now.


halfshellvenus February 20 2014, 18:18:49 UTC
Do we still not have a "fucking over the poor" tag?

That sure feels like a big component of the escalation of wrong assumptions the officer made.

How awful for that boy, his friends, and his family. :(


bnmc2005 February 20 2014, 20:30:57 UTC
Do any of the news reports say what the hell the police were responding too?


moonshaz February 20 2014, 20:36:25 UTC
Christopher Roupe, 17, of Euharlee was felled by a single police bullet when an unidentified officer arrived at the family mobile home to execute a probation violation warrant against his father, authorities said.

Evidently, he answered the door with the Wii remote in his hand, and BOOM. No "please put down the weapon" or anything. WHAT. THE. FUCKING. FUCK.

What the hell are cops being taught these days? All of this "shoot first and ask questions later fuckery" needs to STOP.


thedisassociate February 20 2014, 23:07:15 UTC
That's what really gets me. There are Wii remotes that resemble (imo obviously fake) guns but even then it sounds like the cops didn't stop to assess the situation or warn the kid, at which point he could have told them it was a game remote, before opening fire as soon as he opened the door. Pretty kneejerk reaction to me.


emofordino February 20 2014, 23:18:32 UTC
SERIOUSLY, like someone who is that trigger-happy should NOT be allowed to be a police officer. that's just common sense.


bleed_peroxide February 20 2014, 23:10:02 UTC
Oh, for fuck's sake. I'm so fucking tired of this shit - it's getting to a point where we're having a child shot almost every day. What is it going to take for this to stop?

I hate that my first question was, "Is he black?" Because honestly, with the way things have been, I wouldn't have been surprised in the slightest.


ellonwye February 21 2014, 02:11:21 UTC
Incredibly, he's white. Poor kid.


bleed_peroxide February 21 2014, 03:25:01 UTC
The horrible irony is that he wanted to go into the military, he wanted to do a job not too much unlike what the police are intended for - to serve and protect.

I can't even imagine what his family must be going through.


countrygirl_914 February 21 2014, 02:32:54 UTC
It wasn't even a question for me, I just assumed.


anguisel February 21 2014, 02:48:10 UTC
Alright, I keep coming back to this and reading and watching the video and this is bothering me.
Euharlee police said two officers arrived at roughly 7:35 p.m. and Roupe answered the door with a gun drawn - contradicting the lawyer and witness claims that he was unarmed, expect for the video game device.

Why are they executing a warrant so late at night? I don't get it. I've watched meth lab raids, warrants executed and a myriad of other things involving arrests in my town (even watched the swat team get shot at, that was terrifying) and none of this was ever done at night. Even the cops we got to talk to stated that once the sun goes down, it's considered too hazardous because of sight issues. So they do this at 7:35pm and looking at the weather info for that area that sunset has been around 6:30pm for most of the week. Why?


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