Rick Santorum: Government-Provided Health Care Is A Plot To Kill People Who Don’t Vote The Right Way

Dec 16, 2013 22:21

Speaking at a Young Americans for Freedom event on Friday, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) offered an unusual assessment of what happens when “the government is going to be the principal provider of health care for the country.” “It’s actually a pretty clever system,” the former presidential candidate explained, “Take care of the people who can ( Read more... )

conspiracy theories/theorists, rick santorum, uk: conservative / tories, tinhats, health care, republicans. lol, nhs

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Comments 26

chaya December 17 2013, 13:53:53 UTC
So, death panels?


moonshaz December 17 2013, 14:15:29 UTC

... )


shortsweetcynic December 17 2013, 14:22:21 UTC


nesmith December 17 2013, 15:01:38 UTC
Thirded. I would probably break whatever shovel I picked to hit him in the face with.


omimouse December 17 2013, 15:32:17 UTC
Yeah, this. Especially when you think about the tendency of the far right to think the left is doing *exactly what they would* in the same situation . . .


shortsweetcynic December 17 2013, 14:21:53 UTC

... )


nicosian December 17 2013, 14:54:14 UTC
What a jackass. Doesn't he, as a senator have "government provided healthcare"?


thelilyqueen December 17 2013, 15:03:02 UTC
Yup, which my father also has access to as a (now retired) federal employee and <3<3<3s


(The comment has been removed)

nicosian December 17 2013, 19:30:07 UTC
Yeah. I know. He's a two faced weaselly privileged asshole. If he had to find insurance for his daughter like an average family, wonder how big those tears would be.

And to the republicans, women, gays and minorities voting democrat IS voter fraud, basically. Gah. The white-male-rich-theocrat bunch can go fall in a hole ANY time now.


mareen December 17 2013, 14:55:57 UTC
Is he even listening to himself? According to that logic, European leaders are secretly killing opposing voters by the doves and have been for over 100 years, since all European countries have universal health care. Who is he talking to who would believe this crazy theory??


lied_ohne_worte December 17 2013, 15:06:20 UTC
European leaders are secretly killing opposing voters by the doves

Sorry, but I'm just over here giggling helplessly at the mental image. They can get quite bad in the inner cities of course ( ... )


aviv_b December 17 2013, 15:16:28 UTC
Thank you for your response. Your country has, unfortunately, real experience with 'death panels.' His statement is an incredible insult to all the people who have suffered and died because they were deemed undesirable.


lied_ohne_worte December 17 2013, 16:33:52 UTC
And it's also so very illogical - how are governments doing this, particularly if they change every few years? We had a Conservative/"liberal" (that is pro-economy liberal) government coalition the last term. Starting today, it's a Conservative/Social Democrat one. Are they now killing the Liberals (not that many vote for them in any case)? Were the Social Democrats being killed until now but have quite peacefully joined the ruling class regardless? Or are the remaining parties not in the government the only ones that have been killed all this time and are continuing to be killed, in which case my family should have been dead ever since 2005.

And how are they even finding out who we're voting for? I do assume that it's not like they did with my great-grandfather, who was at some point in the Weimar Republic dismissed from his job on an East Prussian manor because he'd voted Social Democrat contrary to his landlord's orders on a ballot that turned out to have been marked.


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