Child taken from womb by social services

Dec 01, 2013 14:13

Exclusive: Essex social services have obtained a court order against a woman that allowed her to be forcibly sedated and for her child to be taken from her womb by caesarean section

A pregnant woman has had her baby forcibly removed by caesarean section by social workers.

Essex social services obtained a High Court order against the woman that ( Read more... )

ableism, womens rights, uk, women

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Comments 35

booksforlunch December 1 2013, 20:55:29 UTC


lady_leia_solo December 1 2013, 21:19:56 UTC
What in the actual fuck? This is legal?


mangosorbet007 December 1 2013, 21:24:25 UTC
Whoa. That's ridiculous in so many ways - were any of those social workers thinking???


stoptheqtip December 1 2013, 21:34:44 UTC
Holy shit. I felt sick when I read that earlier. :(


clevermanka December 1 2013, 21:44:12 UTC
Anyone who thinks we're not *this close* to The Handmaid's Tale needs a hard kick in the head.


susan_the_rogue December 2 2013, 07:42:30 UTC
So very, very much this.


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