Teacher Gets 31 Days For Rape Of 14-Year-Old Student...

Aug 28, 2013 10:28

(CNN) -- A mother in Montana is outraged that a high school teacher who admitted raping her 14-year-old daughter received only a month in prison, while her daughter took her own life ( Read more... )

you stay classy, *trigger warning: suicide, suicide, *trigger warning: sexual assault, flames on the side of my face, rape apologism, cnn, teachers, scumbags, fuckery, rape culture, rape, justice, montana, sexual assault, fuck this guy, **trigger warning

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Comments 112

darth_eldritch August 28 2013, 14:38:40 UTC
The sheer WTFuckery of this is too much for words. So much fail I can't even.


fabrisse August 28 2013, 15:59:27 UTC
Best icon for this type of story EVER!


moonshaz August 28 2013, 19:59:10 UTC
Yes! Also, A+++ use of tags!


darth_eldritch August 28 2013, 21:02:42 UTC
totally OT but your icon is cool.


queer_theory August 28 2013, 14:38:54 UTC
The defense argued that Rambold has suffered enough.

... )


hammersxstrings August 28 2013, 20:51:16 UTC
ifkr Don


mutive August 29 2013, 14:13:15 UTC
This is an especially WTF statement considering that his victim committed suicide. But oh noes, the poor rapists. *eye roll*


chaya August 28 2013, 14:39:39 UTC
His lawyers said he lost his career and his marriage and has the "scarlet letter of the Internet" due to the publicity surrounding the case, the Billings Gazette reported.

... )


nextdrinksonme August 28 2013, 14:49:43 UTC
Oh boo fucking hoo. HE EVEN PLED GUILTY TO THE RAPE CHARGE! BY HIS OWN WORDS, HE IS A RAPIST. Why the fuck should we care about how much his poor widdle feelwings and weputation is hurt? uuuuuuugh


chaya August 28 2013, 15:05:48 UTC
Is it weird that I am especially pissed because the actual 'scarlet letter' referred to a consensual encounter between adults?


nextdrinksonme August 28 2013, 15:12:42 UTC
Both a little bit and not really, haha.


mollybarton August 28 2013, 14:39:49 UTC
The judge should be removed for the bench.

ETA- don't read the comments at the source. A lot of victim blaming.


queer_theory August 28 2013, 15:03:23 UTC
I should have listened to you. The source comments are... just no.


the_physicist August 28 2013, 15:20:52 UTC
Unsurprising. Didn't look, I barely skimmed the article, otherwise I will smash my laptop. Also didn't want to get triggered. I was 14 when I was raped too. -_- And WTF at the judge being all like 'well, it's not your ~usual kind of rape~, but still rape! but i'm not going to treat it like it was 'real rape'. that judge is jsut... URGH.


myrrhmade August 28 2013, 18:18:59 UTC
Ugh, I'm so sorry.


(The comment has been removed)

mahsox_mahsox August 28 2013, 16:54:05 UTC
Not only that, she was in a context where the person who raped her couldn't help but know her age, so there is no way he should be able to argue that it isn't relevant to sentencing.


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