South African chef 'too fat' to live in New Zealand

Jul 28, 2013 09:18

Authorities in New Zealand have told a South African chef he is too fat to be allowed to live in the country ( Read more... )

excuze me wtf r u doin, new zealand, obesity, health, fatphobia

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Comments 7

abluestocking July 28 2013, 23:15:52 UTC
Oh god, that's disgusting. :(

Also, as a fat person, you can bet I'm not going to travel to New Zealand and give them my tourist dollars, if that's the way they treat people like me.


anjak_j July 28 2013, 23:35:45 UTC
After six years of having no issue with this man's weight, NZ doesn't get to tote out anything questioning his health now - especially given that he weights considerably less now.

Discrimination, plain and simple.


kitanabychoice July 28 2013, 23:39:46 UTC
Well, fuck you, New Zealand. I find it hard to believe that denying the visas of overweight migrants is going to do anything to stem the tide of obesity and related complications in the country. What do they plan to do with overweight citizens? Kick them out too? SMH.


tcpip July 29 2013, 04:06:42 UTC
Welcome the new and caring face of the conservative National government.


_myaugust July 29 2013, 06:46:11 UTC
Well then...this is what the world is coming to.


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