Gunman kills four, injures five in Santa Monica; gunman killed by police

Jun 08, 2013 14:03

Four people were killed and five others injured Friday when a gunman clad in black went on a shooting rampage through Santa Monica, Calif., before being shot to death in the library of a community college, authorities said. A police spokesman said that investigators had concluded the gunman acted alone and that a "person of interest" who was held ( Read more... )

murder, california, police, nbc

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Comments 29

tabaqui June 8 2013, 20:35:07 UTC
Well, fuck.

I hope all Cali _p members are safe, and their families....


thistlerose June 8 2013, 20:51:30 UTC
My cousin teaches there. He wasn't there at the time of the shooting, but Jesus fucking Christ. The first I heard of this was from him, since I'm spending the weekend with his parents and he called to let us know he was okay. I'm so sick of this shit. And while I'm relieved beyond words that my cousin is safe, my heart just breaks for the people who were killed.


trojanchick99 June 8 2013, 20:56:08 UTC
I lived in Santa Monica for 8 years. I used to live across the street from SMC and in a place not that far from the first crime scene. Seeing the news yesterday made me ill. And knowing the government will do nothing to try to prevent the next one makes me depressed.


zinnia_rose June 8 2013, 20:59:48 UTC

Police said the gunman used an AR-15-type assault rifle and had other weapons as well as handguns.

No civilian needs a fucking assault rifle. But oh, I forgot, it's not the time to talk about gun control, amirite? Especially because it was a white man.


kittenmommy June 9 2013, 00:36:41 UTC

Especially because it was a white man.

It was just a strange, isolate incident. Not like those brown people with their terrorism!


tabaqui June 9 2013, 01:56:36 UTC
But it's not really an 'assault rifle'. You're using the wrong definition!! You're not getting it! Why do you hate on guns and the people who fetish them?!!!


screamingintune June 9 2013, 09:27:22 UTC
hasn't pretty much every mass shooting lately been with an AR-15?

this shit is just going to keep happening, too. Everyone thought that post-Sandy Hook that the government would actually do something, but I knew they wouldn't. Sigh.


baranohanayome June 8 2013, 21:14:15 UTC
Gods, that's awful.


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