Jun 05, 2013 10:40

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NEW YORK (AP) - A mom sits at her kitchen table writing something down when her grade schooler saunters up with a big box of Cheerios ( Read more... )

race / racism, family values, food, marriage

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Comments 66

bgd_thrifty June 5 2013, 16:28:43 UTC
Further proof that we've finally made it to a ~post-racial~ society.


astridmyrna June 5 2013, 16:30:01 UTC

... )


kittenmommy June 6 2013, 02:13:36 UTC



alryssa June 6 2013, 07:36:49 UTC
LOL at this gif

but then I :/


littlelauren86 June 6 2013, 12:09:28 UTC
hehe. I like 'Obama's Post Racial America' better myself!


jasonbeast June 5 2013, 16:34:55 UTC
I would say that I can't believe that this is an issue, but then again, I've read news and message boards through the past two elections. So, even though it makes me sad, it's not even remotely surprising.


lamardeuse June 5 2013, 16:41:54 UTC
How much do you want to bet the vitriol would have been halved if it was a white man and a black woman? I'd heard about the commercial and I was even more surprised that they went with the black man/white woman casting, because it's guraranteed that every racist American will be freaking out of their mind at that. Anyway, good for General Mills for not presenting the status quo in advertising, and I hope it leads to more of the same.


thelilyqueen June 5 2013, 18:48:02 UTC
Me too.

I'd heard there was controversy over a Cheerios commercial and issues of race, but for whatever reason that was all I heard initially; I was expecting the criticism to be valid because they'd presented the black parent as a buffoon or played heavily into racial stereotypes. Sad comment on the state of the media, and society in general.


betray802 June 5 2013, 18:50:56 UTC
And notice nobody saying anything about the State Farm ad with an Asian-American father and African-American mother, and their little kid in a stroller.


girlomega June 5 2013, 19:02:11 UTC
That's because no one cares if there isn't a white person. No racial purity to worry about there, hyuk!


a_leprechaun June 5 2013, 16:49:01 UTC
I can honestly say the significance of this didn't register when I first saw the ad. That probably comes from privilege, but now that I know -- man. Good on you, Cheerios.


stainedfeathers June 6 2013, 01:29:57 UTC
Same here. When I first saw this ad weeks ago I didn't even register that something was "different", I just saw a normal family and thought "cute commercial". Why can't everyone just see things like different family dynamics (different race, different sexualities, etc.) as "just f*cking fine!" and leave it be? Honestly... Can't they find better things to do than spend their energy spouting vitriol over others families/relationships?

Good for Cheerios for standing up!


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