Jun 05, 2013 10:40

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NEW YORK (AP) - A mom sits at her kitchen table writing something down when her grade schooler saunters up with a big box of Cheerios ( Read more... )

race / racism, family values, food, marriage

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Comments 66

ms_mmelissa June 5 2013, 16:56:23 UTC
The post about this on the mothership was a mess. So many people saying "Mixed-race babies are the most beautiful!" Over and over and over again. Blegh.


sakuraberries June 5 2013, 17:31:04 UTC
I'm probably being ignorant about something here, but why is it bad to call mixed-race babies beautiful?


luna_shovegood June 5 2013, 17:36:26 UTC
I'm guessing it has something to do with stereotyping a wide range of racial combinations into one category, and perhaps also something about that "most" part.


ms_mmelissa June 5 2013, 17:40:40 UTC
It creeps me out when people make generalizations like that, it feels fetishitic and a lot of the discussion sounds eugenics-y.

Also, there is a very specific type of mixed race person that people praise and declare beautiful and that's the type that have a lot of euro features that conform to white beauty standards.


grace_om June 5 2013, 17:02:24 UTC
Makes me want to go buy Cheerios, and I don't even much like cereal.


mollybarton June 5 2013, 17:04:48 UTC
Yay, Cheerios. I love that ad. Largely because the little girl reminds me of my sister's great-niece, who happens to be bi-racial. Cutest kid.


lux_roark June 5 2013, 17:12:19 UTC
I like the ad. It shows a family just like mine (except we have boys instead of a girl) and I enjoy seeing that on TV and in commercials. So much for a "post-racial" America.


romp June 6 2013, 03:18:05 UTC
It really is nice, huh? I suppose you get used to being invisible in the media and then !! Which shows it matters.


cranmers June 5 2013, 17:18:18 UTC
Uhmmm, I may be being extremely dense here but which part of the ad was it that caused the controversy?


(The comment has been removed)

cranmers June 5 2013, 17:30:23 UTC
Yeah well, I don't really like referring to myself as "extremely dense" without qualifying it, lol. And I was very confused, so.. Yeah.


luna_shovegood June 5 2013, 17:38:37 UTC
The part where racists worry about becoming a minority and black men stealing "their women".


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