Megyn Kelly slams Erick Erickson, Lou Dobbs over sexist “breadwinners” comments

May 31, 2013 14:50

"Why should we take your word for it, Erick Erickson's science, instead of all of these experts?," Kelly asks

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Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly slammed Lou Dobbs and Erick Erickson on Friday over the pundits’ sexist (and entirely unsupported by decades of research) pronouncements about working mothers and the “decline” of the American family ( Read more... )

fuckery, marriage, feminism, fox news, family values, working class, fuck this guy, children

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Comments 49

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cindyanne1 May 31 2013, 23:01:37 UTC
Right? My father in law once said with regards to something similar to this, "Well, things were a lot better in those days..." and both my mother in law and I said, "Better for WHO?" :X


ginger_maya May 31 2013, 23:32:12 UTC
What did he reply to that?


cindyanne1 June 1 2013, 02:24:04 UTC
He just shook his head and stopped talking. Probably a good idea lol.


jupiter_third May 31 2013, 22:54:34 UTC
Lol, at 7:10 it looks like she is going to rip off his head and eat it.

Go Kelly!


that_which May 31 2013, 23:09:46 UTC
Oh, Red Erick is still a tool, isn't he.

Srsly, if Megyn Kelly feels compelled to make the feminist case against you, you fail more than pretty much anyone.


kittenmommy May 31 2013, 23:14:26 UTC

Crappy kids come from all sorts of families, and these assholes need to stop blaming women.

But if they can't blame women, then who can they blame? Certainly not men!


vulturoso May 31 2013, 23:14:56 UTC
Watching the video now so I don't know if she addresses this or not, but his whole point is making me crazy.

Women are standing up more and taking care of their families, presumably because men are not taking on that role themselves, and it's... the woman's fault that society isn't their Old Boy Utopia anymore? It's not the fact that there's a societal need for someone to run shit and men aren't?

Furious. So furious.


vulturoso May 31 2013, 23:23:31 UTC
Okay I just finished the video and Lou Dobbs can seriously fuck off the entire planet.


ebay313 June 1 2013, 02:05:31 UTC
Of course it's women's faults. Women are required to keep men morally in line. So even when it's men who fuck up, it's still always our fault. -_-


roseofjuly June 3 2013, 04:23:26 UTC
Well, you see, the men can't stay with us anymore. Because you know, we want access to the money, and we want to work outside of the home, and we want them to have an equal share in the housework and raising the children, and we want control over our own bodies. All that kind of demanding harpy shit just drives them away!


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