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Comments 105

shoujokakumei May 31 2013, 17:12:02 UTC

I hope the kids grow up to be less douchey and stupid than their parents.


nextdrinksonme May 31 2013, 17:15:03 UTC
Good riddance, but I'm bummed for the kids who are basically being punished (by their parents) because their parents are bigoted asswipes.

Miller said he then told Cody that the point of going to church is to seek forgiveness - not for being all-inclusive

Man, I'd hate to go to his church. Here I thought church was about celebrating God and love and community and all of that happy horseshit, not about groveling and begging to be forgiven for being human. I mean, I know repentance is part of the deal, but that shouldn't be what 'church is about'.

I really hope that kid who said everyone should be welcome isn't gay and was just told, unknowingly, by his dad that he shouldn't be included in doing something he loves and should ask forgiveness to be who he is. :-/


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nextdrinksonme May 31 2013, 17:49:01 UTC
My family's church's mass must be different than others, then. The only forgiveness stuff is a prayer/call and respond at the beginning, same as the protestant churches I've been to. Any other repentance stuff is just confession once a week or whatever outside of service. The church itself and all of its events are based on community and faith and god's love, etc.


liliaeth May 31 2013, 18:03:30 UTC
yeah that didn't sound like the catholic church I'm used to either. With our priest, forgiveness was more a general assumption that meant you didn't have to hold blame, or have it held against you.

I think the part of that we focused on was "And forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who've sinned against us."

It's not meant to be held against people, just the assumption that humans are fallible and to ask God to forgive us our faults so we can move on from them.

Groveling was never a part of that.


fantaesticbaby May 31 2013, 17:50:36 UTC
that kid has a better brain than his father, I hope he doesn't grow up to be a bigot.


carmy_w May 31 2013, 19:21:51 UTC
Yes! Funny how the nine year old has the right message, and the father the wrong one. No surprise though.


keeperofthekeys May 31 2013, 17:53:07 UTC

... )


tinylegacies May 31 2013, 17:53:20 UTC
Dear Mr. Miller,

Please see icon. I hope that you are as devout about these items that *your* bible prohibits.




jocelyncs May 31 2013, 18:10:19 UTC
Oh, but... but... don't be absurd! That'd be STUPID! The Bible says... er... YOU'RE AN EEEEEVIL LIBRUL SATAN-WORSHIPPING FORNICATOR SO I DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOUUUU!!! *fingers in ears, runs away singing hymns* /bigot fundie logic


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muizenstaartje May 31 2013, 19:08:25 UTC
They don't have hoofs separated in two.


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