Gun Protesters Plan March on Washington With Loaded Rifles to 'Put The Government on Notice'

May 05, 2013 14:55

Almost 900 people are RSVPed for a July 4th march on Washington, D.C. where protesters plan to carry loaded rifles. In D.C., openly carrying guns is against the law. But the organizer of the event, libertarian radio host Adam Kokesh, says the march is an act of “civil disobedience” that attempts to prove gun advocates’ point in the “SUBTLEST way ( Read more... )

guns, fuck this guy, nra, america fuck yeah

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Comments 95

365reasonswhy May 5 2013, 20:42:58 UTC
Gun sales are higher than ever, no?

Then who the fuck is trying to take their guns?

These people are delusional.


metanoiame May 5 2013, 20:49:56 UTC
And yet, I would be willing to bet money that the same people who will support a march with loaded guns against "government tyranny" would condemn the "violent" protesters in Seattle for petty vandalism.

Broadly speaking, I have never heard a guns-rights argument made that wasn't either hypocritical or poorly-thought out.


Go to Jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200 aviv_b May 5 2013, 20:56:59 UTC
I hope they understand that they must follow the law in D.C.:

Non-Resident Permits
DC does not issue any permit/licenses to carry a firearm.

Places Off-Limits Even With A Permit/License

22-4502.01. Gun Free Zones; Enhanced Penalty [Formerly 22-3202.1]
(a) All areas within 1000 feet of a public or private day care center, elementary school, vocational school, secondary school, college, junior college, or university, or any public swimming pool, playground, video arcade, or youth center, or an event sponsored by any of the above entities shall be declared a gun free zone.

(b) Any person illegally carrying a gun within a gun free zone shall be punished by a fine up to twice that otherwise authorized to be imposed, by a term of imprisonment up to twice that otherwise authorized to be imposed, or both.

§ 22-4503.02. Prohibition of Firearms from Public or Private Property.
(a) The District of Columbia may prohibit or restrict the possession of firearms on its property and any property under its control.Well this is going to end ( ... )


Re: Go to Jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200 hinoema May 6 2013, 03:50:36 UTC
But there's the rub. They bray about how states' rights are supreme and the Federal government needs to stay out of their business- until they plan to violate the specific laws of a state (Federal District, w/e) by using a Federal document to justify that. Then to hell with states' rights and more power to Federal law, right? It's about self justification, not sincerity.


Re: Go to Jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200 lone_concertina May 6 2013, 10:23:24 UTC
Probably the same group of people who are threatening the federal government if they enforce campus gun laws in Texas after they passed a bill allowing them in parking lots.


endlos_schleife May 5 2013, 21:08:18 UTC
Yes, let me go get my gun to go to a non-violent protest in a city where carrying firearms are illegal. Surely this will work out great.


iamrosalita May 5 2013, 21:09:24 UTC
What could possibly go wrong?


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