Gun Protesters Plan March on Washington With Loaded Rifles to 'Put The Government on Notice'

May 05, 2013 14:55

Almost 900 people are RSVPed for a July 4th march on Washington, D.C. where protesters plan to carry loaded rifles. In D.C., openly carrying guns is against the law. But the organizer of the event, libertarian radio host Adam Kokesh, says the march is an act of “civil disobedience” that attempts to prove gun advocates’ point in the “SUBTLEST way ( Read more... )

guns, fuck this guy, nra, america fuck yeah

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Comments 95

ceruleanst May 5 2013, 20:07:54 UTC


lightbird777 May 5 2013, 20:13:58 UTC
lol, came here to say this


wrestlingdog May 6 2013, 01:22:01 UTC
For real. I'd hate to hear them define Anvilicious.


zinnia_rose May 6 2013, 03:51:45 UTC
No kidding.'re doing it wrong. Like, really wrong.


bonesnapdeez May 5 2013, 20:23:27 UTC
These white dudes couldn't give two shits about any actual oppression - racism, exploitative capitalism, war, environmental degradation... but the minute they think "the government" might take away their toys (which isn't happening) they turn into a bunch of 4 year olds. Actually that's an insult to 4 year olds; I work at a pre-K and the students are more mature than any of these chodes.

And what still cracks me up is the fact that those who rant the loudest about "tyranny" typically vote for the most right-wing statist political candidates.


redstar826 May 5 2013, 20:24:01 UTC
surely there are easier ways to announce to the world that "I am an insecure boy with a small dick". I do not get gun nuts at all.


zinnia_rose May 6 2013, 03:51:57 UTC


silver_apples May 5 2013, 20:29:03 UTC
So, how many of these people plan on bringing their children to this "non-violent" protest?


electric_mole_x May 6 2013, 19:19:33 UTC
I'm not sure how many of these protesters will bring their kids, but I am worried about the children of bystanders who will be in the city to see fireworks on July 4th.


ladypolitik May 5 2013, 20:37:20 UTC
These posturing LARPer "revolutionaries".


tigerdreams May 5 2013, 22:56:05 UTC
Nah, running around in the woods with foam swords is harmless. These guys are actually frightening.


ladyvoldything May 6 2013, 04:22:59 UTC
IA with the above person LARPers dick-measure by who can PRETEND to do the most damage with imaginary foam kid's shit, not who could actually cause the most bloodshed


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