Once you start using reason, you end up with the Holocaust.

May 03, 2013 19:29

On Fox News, Christian Activist Claims the Age of Enlightenment Led to the Holocaust

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When normal people think of the Enlightenment, they think of Newton, Locke, Voltaire, Spinoza, Montesquieu, Goethe, Paine, Jefferson -- and the ideas that helped launch the American Revolution. When crazy right-wing Christians think of the Enlightenment, they ( Read more... )

fox news, god save us from your followers, fox & friends

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Comments 16

thelilyqueen May 4 2013, 19:08:17 UTC
Stuff like this makes me want to go graffiti 'KNOWLEDGE IS MORALLY NEUTRAL' everywhere. It's all about the uses we put it to; knowledge of the atom gave us both the atomic bomb and radiation treatments for cancer. Biotech gives us bioweapons and vaccines. And we can use it as an excuse to tear others who look or believe differently than we do down, or we can treat it with a certain awe and reverence. It's up to us.


moonbladem May 4 2013, 21:29:44 UTC


romp May 4 2013, 22:56:58 UTC
I was called a "secular humanist" by my best friend's mother as a child, so I'm familiar with this idea that reason and moral relativism might be darkside.

If christian teachings were all peace and anti-violence then she might have an argument but there's plenty of gore in the bible. And how does she explain the Inquisition and holy wars and all other persecutions? People have been killing in the name of the Christian god for a long time.


clevermanka May 5 2013, 00:38:55 UTC
People have been killing in the name of the Christian god for a long time.

Well, yes. Because God told them to. And the victims deserved it.


romp May 5 2013, 00:55:54 UTC
Yeah, I guess that's what makes the difference. Was the US involvement in WWII God-certified?


clevermanka May 5 2013, 12:47:31 UTC
A true believer wouldn't ask that sort of question, YOU HEATHEN.


tabaqui May 5 2013, 01:27:02 UTC
Oh, for fuck's sake. The old 'without god/bible there is nor morality' chestnut. Fuck that noise.


roadskoller May 5 2013, 03:20:04 UTC
Wow. Just.....wow.
I'm a woman and yet her voice was shrill and uncomfortable to listen to.


fifthmorn May 5 2013, 05:26:40 UTC
Literally just moved back to the US for a bit, hoping I can get my spouse visa and move back to the UK--I've had random small talk with people I don't really know that well but am forced to talk to (as southern tradition dictates) and I swear I have said nothing but how the weather was and all of a sudden they're mentioning how it's probably because God is angry we've got Obama as President and aborting so many babies.

I was literally just flabbergasted because I had been away from religion for over three years (living in Japan) and coming back here was just...ugh, I stayed silent because it's not worth talking to people like that.

/somehow off topic


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